Search results

  1. Chandler Wood

    Final Fantasy X HD Trophy Help

    As @stolenxnametag just received his platinum and I am well on my way towards it (80 hours in at this point), we've both got a lot of great feedback and tips for working towards your platinum trophy. Feel free to post your Final Fantasy X HD trophy questions in this thread and we will make...
  2. Chandler Wood

    Games You Haven't Finished?

    Let's face it, our backlogs are huge! There are plenty of games that we've all started but for one reason or another, haven't finished. It could be the story mode, or it could be the platinum trophy that we were intending to get. Let's talk about what games you haven't finished below...
  3. Chandler Wood

    PSLS E3 2014 Coverage- Questions, Comments, Suggestions

    Hey everyone! E3 is right around the corner (if time had corners...) and we're getting ready to cover the event for you! We're booked up solid and have a ton of appointments, interviews, and other such madness planned for the week. What we want to know is what you want to know! So let us know...
  4. Chandler Wood

    If You Could Ask Shuhei Yoshida Anything, What Would It Be?

    If you aren't aware, Shuhei Yoshida is President of Sony's Worldwide Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment. If you could ask the man that essentially personifies the PlayStation branding anything at all, what would you ask him?
  5. Chandler Wood

    Transistor () Interview & Review

    So Transistor released today on PS4! D'yani wrote a beautiful and positive review for the game which you can read here. The review clocked in at over 1800 words and is so well written that it left me speechless in some parts!! I was able to get the Creative Director of the game to answer a few...
  6. Chandler Wood

    D'yani Does the PSLS Child of Light Review

    D'yani published her first review with PlayStation LifeStyle for Child of Light. I'm married to her and I had no idea she could write this eloquently. What a perfect game to be her first foray into the world of video game writing, eh? What do you all think? HERE is the link in case you missed it.
  7. Chandler Wood

    HD Remakes on PS4 - Good or Bad?

    What are your thoughts on HD ports of games coming to PS4? Already, more than 20% of the existing games on PS4 are ports of recently released PS3 and/or Vita titles, with many others being cross generation titles that exist on both platforms. There are very few games developed exclusively for...
  8. Chandler Wood

    The PSLS Trophy Goals Thread

    We all know that we have unspoken goals for trophies, so feel free to make them spoken here so that we can hold each other to our goals a little better! My personal goal is to get to 120 platinums by the end of the year. Currently at 104 so just 16 more! I also want to bring my game...
  9. Chandler Wood

    PSLS inFAMOUS Second Son Photo Mode Thread

    Well now that we've got photo mode in inFAMOUS Second Son, it's time to share those awesome photos with the community. Take some epic and legen- wait for it - dary pictures, upload them, and share them with the PSLS community here. After seeing some of this work around the internet already, I'm...
  10. Chandler Wood

    Countdown to E3 - What do you want to see?

    54 days until E3!! What are you hoping to see get announced or shown at this year's expo? Feel free to discuss your ideas from the utterly rational to the incredibly insane. I'm hoping for a new Fallout to be announced. I'm also hoping to see a stronger first-party line-up from Sony for their...
  11. Chandler Wood

    The Official 'Get Heath Hindman on the PSLS Forums' Petition Thread

    It's exactly what it sounds like: Beg, cry, plead, do whatever it takes to show Heath that you want his part in the conversation here on the PSLS forums. For those of you who don't know Heath: He's a very well-written and level headed PSLS staff member, and can argue his points better than most...
  12. Chandler Wood

    Is Persona 4 Golden on Vita Worth it?

    So I know that Person 4 Golden on Vita is a good game. Let's get that out of the way. I want it. My question is this: Is it worth it just to pick it up right now, or do I wait for it to potentially be announced for Plus? I'm having a feeling that it will end up as a Plus title eventually, but...
  13. Chandler Wood

    Pop Culture References and Easter Eggs in Trophy Lists

    Trophy names and requirements often have deeper and hidden meanings. Sometimes they are references to pop culture, and sometimes they are much deeper references that few will pick up on. What are some of your favorite trophies with hidden references beyond the basic trophy requirement for the...
  14. Chandler Wood

    Suggest a Game

    Is there a title that you love that went by completely unnoticed by most people? Is there a game that you really just want to tell everyone out there that they probably should play if they haven't? Need some suggestions of games to pick up and play? Well you have come to the right place. Here...
  15. Chandler Wood

    Caption This Image... Yup, that's Val Kilmer

    Caption this beautiful image! (bonus points if you can name the movie) Have fun with your comments!
  16. Chandler Wood

    What games are you revisiting?

    Simple question, what older games are you going back to that you haven't played in a while, or what games do you plan on going back to? Unpacking my stuff made me discover a lot of games, and I recently started playing PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale on my PS3 again. I already platinumed the...
  17. Chandler Wood

    Thoughts on PS4 Name Requests Feature?

    Who likes the name request feature on PS4? I personally love it! I can Keep track of people based on names and profile pictures better than PSN ID's, especially getting more than 100 friends now. I do wish there was a way to tag or add your friends to groups, so that you would know where you...
  18. Chandler Wood

    Who IS the Arkham Knight?

    Dan's Arkham Knight preview introduces us briefly to the new character of the Arkham Knight in the upcoming Batman game. So just who is the mysterious Arkham Knight? Rocksteady says that it is a completely new character made for this game, but I have a feeling that his (or her?) origins and true...
  19. Chandler Wood

    inFAMOUS Second Son Tagging Mechanic

    So how cool was this piece of the game? I couldn't mention it in my review as they wanted to make it a surprise for players, but now that it is out I can finally talk about it. I thought it was an awesome alternate use of the controller! I looked forward to every time I got to do one of the tags...
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