The PSLS Trophy Goals Thread

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
We all know that we have unspoken goals for trophies, so feel free to make them spoken here so that we can hold each other to our goals a little better!

My personal goal is to get to 120 platinums by the end of the year. Currently at 104 so just 16 more!
I also want to bring my game completion up to over 60% and make sure that it doesn't fall below that number. Currently at just over 59%.
I wish i could platinum metal gear rising but those damn vr trophies and no damage boss battle trophies are what's keeping me from succeeding
I don't really have any platinum goals. I originally wanted to get the platinum for LEGO The Hobbit, but I find my interest in the title fading, so I don't know if it is worth the time investment.
I'm not much of a trophy hunter, but I will admit that I'm proud to have a couple of platniums... even though they were easy ones (The Walking Dead and Burning Skies). I'd like to get a couple more, but with work and a baby on the way it might not happen anytime soon.

My goal is just to finish more games.
I'm not much of a trophy hunter, but I will admit that I'm proud to have a couple of platniums... even though they were easy ones (The Walking Dead and Burning Skies). I'd like to get a couple more, but with work and a baby on the way it might not happen anytime soon.

My goal is just to finish more games.


I hope the child is born healthy and happy!

I hope the child is born healthy and happy!
Thanks so much... a healthy, happy baby is a dream come true for my wife and I... if he turns out to be a little gamer dude... EPIC!
I hope to platinum Rayman Legends one of these years. I've never wanted to be done with a game more than I have this one. It's cutting into my FF8 time.
I'm sorry guys :( I'll try harder next time. Time must be made for the important things in life.
Like extra playthroughs in FFVIII?

I think I'm going to shoot for a higher completion, too. I'll say at least 45%. I don't want to make anymore unrealistic goals like I have in recent years. Last year my goal was to level 15, and I didn't make it until January or February this year. I think completion will be more important for me going forward. :D
My goal has been more to increase my completion of games than anything else. Go back and finish out games that I've left either unfinished or with a few trophies left to get. I'd like to get to 60%, but I don't see that happening any time soon really.
Like extra playthroughs in FFVIII?

I think I'm going to shoot for a higher completion, too. I'll say at least 45%. I don't want to make anymore unrealistic goals like I have in recent years. Last year my goal was to level 15, and I didn't make it until January or February this year. I think completion will be more important for me going forward. :D
I hear you. My goal is to hit 60%. I'm at like 58% and every game I review is killing it more and more. I need to go back and complete games.

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