If You Could Ask Shuhei Yoshida Anything, What Would It Be?

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
If you aren't aware, Shuhei Yoshida is President of Sony's Worldwide Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment.

If you could ask the man that essentially personifies the PlayStation branding anything at all, what would you ask him?
How's kaz doin.
And when is sony gonna add the rest of the features they talked about the ps4 having, but failed to provide upon launch. (A friend of mine wants to know the answer to that one).
And what is his view on bringing over import games, and localization procedures. Do they have to meet certain requirements to be brought to the states?
I would ask him why Sony loves to announce new hardware or peripherials at E3 and then give them almost no support (PS Move, Wonderbook, Vita).. though the Vita support is finally starting to pick up.
1) I would ask him if he needs a body guard. I'd offer my services for the lowest on the market.

2) I'd ask if they need a story writer, cuz I have mad skills.
1. Will Sony ever try to work out a deal with steam to get more Portal 2 style connectivity, so that the PS4 edition can be bought without feeling like you're missing out on the PC modding community?

2. Will we ever be able to hook up our PS4 controller to our PS Vita to remote play PS4 games without having to use the back touch screen?

3. Will Infamous Second Son (since it's supposedly the last one in the series) get a Patch or DLC that allows you to make your own missions?

4. Would it be possible to have a list of 100 favorite friends, and have the PS3 system prioritize that list so that it doesn't get lost during the process?
Where are the 20 first-party games and 12 new IPs that were supposed to be coming out on the first year of the PS4's release? Microsoft is doing a far better job of name-dropping Xbone exclusive titles (even though most of them don't look that great) but almost everything I've seen for PS4 is a multiplat so far with a few exceptions.

I know a few are already out and The Order has been delayed to 2015, but I'd still like to know that some of my favorite first-party studios are working on something.
Where are the 20 first-party games and 12 new IPs that were supposed to be coming out on the first year of the PS4's release? Microsoft is doing a far better job of name-dropping Xbone exclusive titles (even though most of them don't look that great) but almost everything I've seen for PS4 is a multiplat so far with a few exceptions.

I know a few are already out and The Order has been delayed to 2015, but I'd still like to know that some of my favorite first-party studios are working on something.
Sony Published games

1. Helldivers (sounds so fun) *
2. Pixel Junk Shooter Ultimate
3. Flower
4. Escape Plan
5. Shadow of the Beast *
6. Hohokum *
7. Dead Nation Apoc
8. Resogun *
9. Last of Us Remastered
10. Uncharted Game
11. Soundshapes
12. The Order 1886 *
13. Knack *
14. MLB 14 The Show
15. Infamous Second Son
16. Flow
17.Rime *
18. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture *

* I think these are new I.P.s and I counted 8.

That should help out a bit. Still got like 5 months to go!
Sony Published games

1. Helldivers (sounds so fun) *
2. Pixel Junk Shooter Ultimate
3. Flower
4. Escape Plan
5. Shadow of the Beast *
6. Hohokum *
7. Dead Nation Apoc
8. Resogun *
9. Last of Us Remastered
10. Uncharted Game
11. Soundshapes
12. The Order 1886 *
13. Knack *
14. MLB 14 The Show
15. Infamous Second Son
16. Flow
17.Rime *
18. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture *

* I think these are new I.P.s and I counted 8.

That should help out a bit. Still got like 5 months to go!
So at least 4 new IPs at E3, we hope? Hopefully they make enough time for Vita. :S
what is his view on bringing over import games, and localization procedures. Do they have to meet certain requirements to be brought to the states?
Nox Vidmate VLC
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