D'yani Does the PSLS Child of Light Review

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
D'yani published her first review with PlayStation LifeStyle for Child of Light. I'm married to her and I had no idea she could write this eloquently. What a perfect game to be her first foray into the world of video game writing, eh? What do you all think? HERE is the link in case you missed it.
"I was entertained, and the story was enriched by the constant, polished rhyming. I even started to think in rhymes after a while, which to my face did bring a smile."

It's the little things that matter ;)

How easily did you feel you were able to connect to the characters and story @D'yani? I'll most definitely pick this one up but some time in the future when the back log isn't as overwhelming.
Liked the review, still unsure about the game myself, but it was nicely done. Good job d'yani, keep it up!
I've expressed my thoughts in the comments. However, I greatly enjoyed the review. It actually made me want to give the game a real try as opposed to the horribly executed demo. And I can't say reviews ever sway me in such a manner.
Thanks guys! Yaaaaaayyyyyy! Yay!

Also, what does it mean if no one has hated on my 9/10 score yet?!?! Is this going to break the universe??

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