WOAH Tons of PSP/PS1 classics now available for download on vita


PSLS Level: Bronze


Someone asked on the PS.Blog in the Flash sale post why many PSOne/PSP games were not available on Vita in NA. Someone from Sony responded and said they'd push the question to the people who handle that. Apparently, it only took them a couple days to push the request through all the channels and get the games cleared for Vita.
Someone asked on the PS.Blog in the Flash sale post why many PSOne/PSP games were not available on Vita in NA. Someone from Sony responded and said they'd push the question to the people who handle that. Apparently, it only took them a couple days to push the request through all the channels and get the games cleared for Vita.
That's awesome there was such a quick response. Especially to just a comment on an article.
I always just transferred games from my PS3 without issue, I never found a game I wanted to play that was unable to be transferred. I guess this is more convenient though.
Looking like it was a bug & Sony is fixing it. Just checked and the Spyros were no longer downloadable.
I'm starting to think this was something they have planned but was accidentally pushed live a bit early. It would be something that I believe would help push Vita sales and get more press when the 2000 is released.

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