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PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
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Yeah, as far as I can tell it looks like everything works now. ABOUT DAMN TIME!

now to go play crash bandicoot and portable ops. *squeals like a schoolgirl*
I really wish there was an affordable 128 gig memory card for Vita. I have so much content for Vita already, and plan on getting much more, but I hate using the memory manager to move games around.
I had to start deleting PS+ games to clear space on my 64gb. Drop the price of current cards by 50%, introduce a 128gb @ $100 and bring it and the 64gb stateside.

*$100 is still expensive but I am trying to be slightly realistic of Sony even in my dream scenario
I had to start deleting PS+ games to clear space on my 64gb. Drop the price of current cards by 50%, introduce a 128gb @ $100 and bring it and the 64gb stateside.

*$100 is still expensive but I am trying to be slightly realistic of Sony even in my dream scenario
Will the 64GB card work if I were to get it off of Amazon?
Might be making me a purchase then. Though I do wish there was a 128GB card.
I can confirm it. I'm using a 64gb imported from Japan. I live in Wisconsin lol. I bought mine from Play-Asia but there are better deals out there.
I can confirm it. I'm using a 64gb imported from Japan. I live in Wisconsin lol. I bought mine from Play-Asia but there are better deals out there.
Is there any word on a possible 128GB card? Or is it all just rumors and speculation right now?
Is there any word on a possible 128GB card? Or is it all just rumors and speculation right now?
Neither lol. Just wishful gamers. Sony kept the 64gb under wraps until its announcement TGS '13. Whereas the 2000 had some rumors floating around. The 64gb is currently $100 and I think its unlikely for them to announce a $130 - $150 memory card until late in the year, if then.

In my opinion, I think its a long ways off for now. They've yet to bring the 64gb to the west, although it wouldn't shock me if they announce it during E3 (not press conference).
The Vita is doing okay in Japan, even claiming the number 1 spot for a week, if there is a 128gb going to come out you can be sure it'll release there first.
I just wish the cards were cheaper. The prices are still ridiculous.
Agreed. This is one route that Sony took the more expensive stance on. It'd be nice if any card would work. I wonder why they chose to make only their cards compatible, and why the hell they are priced the way they are.
Agreed. This is one route that Sony took the more expensive stance on. It'd be nice if any card would work. I wonder why they chose to make only their cards compatible, and why the hell they are priced the way they are.
They chose their own format due to piracy. The PSP was crushed by it. Its an odd reversal. The PSP sold very well but software sales were poor. The Vita is selling poorly but has a very high attachment rate.
I don't mind their own memory format. I mind them charging an arm and a leg for one though. People have said that retailers have a very high mark up on the memory cards to offset the potential $$ loss from the Vita being more of a digital platform. Many retailers did refuse to carry the PSPgo since they couldn't sell any software for it, and software is were the retailers are suppose to make their money.
Right now if someone wants to buy the new Vita with Borderlands 2 and a 32gb memory card off amazon, that would be just under $280 before tax. Way to high for an entry point over 2 years into its life.
I really wish there was an affordable 128 gig memory card for Vita. I have so much content for Vita already, and plan on getting much more, but I hate using the memory manager to move games around.

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If there's any problems getting to the page let me know and i'll send you a direct link
Thanks Jacky, I may end up ordering the 64 GB card, but sadly they don't make a 128 GB card yet... probably because the sticker shock would scare most Vita owners away.
If you have already purchased them you can now go to your download history and access them from the Vita!

For those who are curious about which games were compatible before.

Once we have official word about whether or not its a bug in the system I'll update this post with the details.

Thanks for posting this information! Each and every one of my Classics downloads, and PSP downloads, carried over back when I purchased my Vita. So, I had no idea it was limited at first. As much as I loved classics, I still loved playing them on the big screen more. That, the

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