What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

I just had an awful honey bun from a vending machine. Wtf was I thinking?

I've learned not to trust the vending machine in that area lol. Unless it's a snicker's payday, or skittles then
Vending machines are on my list of suspicious things to look out for.

They are watching us
Yo whatever man
Vending machine burgers 4 eva
I've learned not to trust the vending machine in that area lol. Unless it's a snicker's payday, or skittles then
Vending machines are on my list of suspicious things to look out for.

They are watching us
Thanks Obama!

Yo whatever man
Vending machine burgers 4 eva
Vending machine burgers are real??? I need one of those machines in my house! I make very little time to cook, and I always feel guilty when my wife cooks burgers because she doesn't like red meat. This would be a welcome addition to my home ecosystem!
Thanks Obama!

Vending machine burgers are real??? I need one of those machines in my house! I make very little time to cook, and I always feel guilty when my wife cooks burgers because she doesn't like red meat. This would be a welcome addition to my home ecosystem!

Yes they are. I have yet to see one featuring hot dogs though
Vending machine burgers are real??? I need one of those machines in my house! I make very little time to cook, and I always feel guilty when my wife cooks burgers because she doesn't like red meat. This would be a welcome addition to my home ecosystem!

Yep! My gf also doesn't eat red meat, but she'd never cook it for me :(
And they actually aren't as bad as you'd think @Jacky
But like the foreign food, I'd prefer not to know what these monstrosities contain/go through o.e

Also, deep dish pepperoni pizza x)
Yep! My gf also doesn't eat red meat, but she'd never cook it for me :(
And they actually aren't as bad as you'd think @Jacky
But like the foreign food, I'd prefer not to know what these monstrosities contain/go through o.e

Also, deep dish pepperoni pizza x)

Oh i've had em before. If you've been to college or the airport and had the last resort case of munchies, then oh yeah you have probably already eaten one before.
Spicy BBQ sauce covered broiled salmon, mixed veggies and some cheesy pasta immediatly followed by an ice cream sandwich for dessert and some chips for a snack
Just ate more grilled chicken with rice, beans, and steamed vegetables. Also had a salad. My previous post was from my lunch :)

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