What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

Howl Pendragon

PSLS Level: Bronze
Figured I'd start this for the hell of it.
Post of pictures as well if you'd like to make us extra jealous :p

I ate half of my bowl of bibimbap (not the one pictured)

And a bag of bulgogi flavored Cheetos :p
Oooooh, what kind of foreign? :p

She's from spain and my grandfather is peruvian, and lets just say telling your grand daughter that she just ate a bunch of skewered cow hearts on a shish kabob stick AFTER she eats it is not wise. She tricked me into eating cow tongue too one time.
Now i refuse to eat until she tells me whats in it first.
She's from spain and my grandfather is peruvian, and lets just say telling your grand daughter that she just ate a bunch of skewered cow hearts on a shish kabob stick AFTER she eats it is not wise. She tricked me into eating cow tongue too one time.
Now i refuse to eat until she tells me whats in it first.
Wow, and I was literally just thinking about the Spanish and their cow hearts and cow testicles xP
And I actually find cow tongue to be pretty tasty =P
today for breakfast I decided to indulge myself in the ONLY good kind of Gummy Bears on the market.

Can you stop posting things that are agreeable?

I recently saw a giant bag of those on sale for like $2 at the grocery store, so I bought 2 of them. My wife thought that I was stupid until I showed her how much a smaller bag costs in comparison.

They are usually ok tasting, lol
That's what I was hoping, but I was severely let down. I guess I'll stick to convenience stores from now on!

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