Transistor: Function Combos


PSLS Level: Bronze
So because I was instructed to make this thread, and because I'm interested in the answers, has anyone found any good function combos in this game? I've beaten the game once and I'm just about to start my recursion but I never really felt like I had ever found a very good combo with the functions. I did like using Crash as an active with Jaunt+Get as upgrades on it but it wasn't reliable in all situations. If anyone knows of any good ones, I'd appreciate the feedback.
I've been making my way through recursion now and Spark + Purge + Switch essentially breaks the game, making even running all 10 limiters relatively easy. Combined with Flood as passive and Mask as an active, you can get out of low health/sticky situations with relative ease.
@D'yani, as you play, you'll have to post some of your combos here. I'm not going to have a chance to play Transistor for a while.... :(
I've been making my way through recursion now and Spark + Purge + Switch essentially breaks the game, making even running all 10 limiters relatively easy. Combined with Flood as passive and Mask as an active, you can get out of low health/sticky situations with relative ease.
Ooooo this sounds good, I'll have to try it next. Also I'll try to share what ones I find that work well.
Spark + Purge +Switch is definitely a good one to use if you're completely overwhelmed, but it is also a very slow way to win fights. If you aren't completely overwhelmed, I found that using Bounce + Another Bounce + Crash is an excellent way to clear fights quickly and with very little trouble.

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