Hello PSLS community! ;)


PSLS Level: Bronze
Dear PSLS / community!

First of all I'd like to thank you for being a really interesting site with a bunch of good articles, and thanks for not being such jerks like other sites when doing a test about a game, also for not making the "console-war" nonsense! I found this site about 3 weeks ago, and honestly speaking, I became kind of an addict! :D

I've played my first video game when I was 4 years old. It was "Rescue Shot" on the PsOne, I played it with my brother and since he introduced me to this gaming world he found his first "P2". We spent so much time playing better and better games. Our Sega Dreamcast followed the PsOne and then we had an XBOX, and a lot of handheld consoles (Gameboy, GBC, GBA, DS, PSP....)...

So to bring back my childhood, I started collecting consoles when I was 15 years old. Now my collection consist of:
  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo Gamecube
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo Wii *
  • XBOX **
  • Dreamcast
  • Playstation One
  • Playstation 2
  • Playstation 4
  • Playstation Vita
I am so proud of my collection, I know it's not that big, but it means a lot to me, and in Hungary it's a bit hard to be a console collector in my view... :)

*Thanks to nintendo and my brother I've met one of my childhood heroes, Super Mario, when I was 5 years old! Since the day I tried my first Mario game I decided to try to play every Mario title! :)

** We spent countless time in front of the TV with our XBOX! It's fully functional since 2001, and I'm very proud of it because it was made in HUNGARY back in the day. :D It would take so much time to speak about every xbox game I played / liked because that console had way too many of them!
..And I almost forgot to mention that sometimes when the xbox was hooked up, and we left it for a couple of minutes in the menu it made some strange robot noise.. Did anyone else hear that? :)

Also, are there any other collectors, who are interested to share memories/photos ? ;)

I had an xbox 360 and a Playstation 3 but I had to sell them to be able to buy my newest console, a Playstation 4. But someday I'll buy both of them to complete the missing parts of my collection.

I speak English and French and I'm looking for some gaming buddies for my PS4! I'm interested in any kind of games, sometimes I'm going for the platinum trophies so I'm "kind of a hunter" ;)

PSN: McZoleE ;)
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Welcome to the PSLS forums! I'm "kind of a hunter" as well. Take some time to check out our trophy-centric subforum and tell us about your conquests!
Not a bad collection at all! Much better than the collection I have which needs to be bigger.

Welcome to the forums.
I've Used all those systems and earlier ones (the really early systems), wish i had the money to get some of those, you're lucky. Anyway, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy yourself, and keep up with all that gaming fun!
Welcome to PSLS!

I reside in the United States but my family immigrated here from Hungary about a century ago. Glad to see another Hungarian on the forums.

Check out all the threads included in the obligatory platinum trophy and what are you playing threads!
Hello to you too. How you doing? Everyone okay?

Sorry for the late response, Im fine thank you! Currently playing with Borderlands the Handsome Collection and this Monday I bought saints row IV with the gat out of hell dlc for 15 $ from the ps store which made my week :D

Want to play something? Feel free to add me: McZoleE
Welcome to PSLS!

I reside in the United States but my family immigrated here from Hungary about a century ago. Glad to see another Hungarian on the forums.

Check out all the threads included in the obligatory platinum trophy and what are you playing threads!

Wow cool story!!! Did they immigrated before the Great War (WWI) or later? It would be really interesting to here their story when you have some free time!!!

P.s.: sorry for the late response ;/
Sorry for the late response, Im fine thank you! Currently playing with Borderlands the Handsome Collection and this Monday I bought saints row IV with the gat out of hell dlc for 15 $ from the ps store which made my week :D

Want to play something? Feel free to add me: McZoleE

Deals are always good haha.
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