Thoughts On The Forums

One thing you may consider at some point is more general forums. Some forums may just end up being too empty. But time will tell.

Edit: We should probably have Steam name or even Xbox gamertag by our posts too just to have all the info there.
So we get trophies for just doing stuff on the forums? Great... As if I weren't addicted to trophies already. Time to become a PSLS trophy hunter also! Lol.

Good job on the mobile aspect of the forums. Works fantastic so far on my iPhone.
So we get trophies for just doing stuff on the forums? Great... As if I weren't addicted to trophies already. Time to become a PSLS trophy hunter also! Lol.

Good job on the mobile aspect of the forums. Works fantastic so far on my iPhone.
Yes there are PSLS trophies. They will be updated as time passes allowing for higher trophy totals
Yes there are PSLS trophies. They will be updated as time passes allowing for higher trophy totals
I noticed I got one just for being a guy. I assume there's also one for girls? DO I NEED TO GET A SEX CHANGE TO GET A PLATINUM?

Generally speaking, the forums seem fine to me. Can't think of any particular suggestions or anything (none that haven't already been mentioned, at least), but I do have one question: is there any particular reason behind the circular cropping of avatars? While it can be a neat little difference from other forums, I find it a little... aggravating? From a creative standpoint, anyway. Not all avatars made ahead of time are going to look good cropped like so, and it can interfere a bit in the creative process of making new ones, since you'd have to accommodate for the circle crop. (Also, the dead space around the circle is just kind of a waste of real estate.) Alas, not a big deal, but thought I'd mention it and see what's up.
I noticed I got one just for being a guy. I assume there's also one for girls? DO I NEED TO GET A SEX CHANGE TO GET A PLATINUM?

Generally speaking, the forums seem fine to me. Can't think of any particular suggestions or anything (none that haven't already been mentioned, at least), but I do have one question: is there any particular reason behind the circular cropping of avatars? While it can be a neat little difference from other forums, I find it a little... aggravating? From a creative standpoint, anyway. Not all avatars made ahead of time are going to look good cropped like so, and it can interfere a bit in the creative process of making new ones, since you'd have to accommodate for the circle crop. (Also, the dead space around the circle is just kind of a waste of real estate.) Alas, not a big deal, but thought I'd mention it and see what's up.
The circle avatars are what is built into the them we are using. I definitely see where you are coming from though. It may be possible to change to a regular square avatar, but I'm not sure. I would have to look into it when I get a chance.
Sometimes those shoutboxes aren't worth it, and are just filled with people yelling and cursing at each other, other times they make you come back. Really depends on the minions.
Shoutboxes/Chatboxes "discourage" posting on the actual forum, IMHO.

However, I'm lovin' the forum choice - as I loooooooove xenForo! :D
These forums have nothing from the old ones so far.

I would have thousands of posts by now if the old data was up.
If you guys still have a backup of it, it's easy to import. Yep.
Soooo what does everyone think? Just wondering how you all feel about the new forums. Anything you would like to see implemented? Or any ideas?

The forums are great and I already talked to you about my suggestions :)

The forums are a great place to be. Lets hope it stays like that.

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