Battleborn: Thoughts?


PSLS Level: Bronze
I didn't really turn my head whenever I heard about Gearbox creating a new IP. It sounded interesting, but I really didn't think much of it. Now, I have seen some of the gameplay and while it looks like an interesting game, I am worried about it seeming like it's borrowing too much from Borderlands. (Not too worried, since it is Pre-Alpha footage, after all.)

After watching the Battleborn gameplay, what are you guys thinking?

Are you excited for it?
Do you need to see more? (If so, what do you want to see?)
Do you just want Borderlands 3, already?
Share your thoughts and ideas.
They are talking about it being a MOBA so I'm not sure how much it can borrow from Borderlands.

Gearbox said they weren't planning on doing a 3rd one, right now they are focused on Battleborn. They could be lying but I'm not banking on a 3.
They are talking about it being a MOBA so I'm not sure how much it can borrow from Borderlands.

Gearbox said they weren't planning on doing a 3rd one, right now they are focused on Battleborn. They could be lying but I'm not banking on a 3.

I was referring to the UI and the overall design on the HUD. I'm sure it'll change though.

Borderlands 3 is coming, whether it takes 6 years or 16. It's too big to drop. I think we have enough with Pre-Sequel and all the stuff they had in 2.

Thanks for replying, by the way!
I think it looks really cool and will def. find a big audience, but I am not 100 percent sold on it. In fact, I am one of the few people that never got into Borderlands and found myself getting rather bored in it.

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