Thoughts On The Forums

Soooo what does everyone think? Just wondering how you all feel about the new forums. Anything you would like to see implemented? Or any ideas?

I would very much like an audio/video forum implemented into these forums. I have a vast knowledge on both subject, and I can provide full descriptive reviews on things, and recommendations for tv's including maintainence
I would very much like an audio/video forum implemented into these forums. I have a vast knowledge on both subject, and I can provide full descriptive reviews on things, and recommendations for tv's including maintainence
I actually really like this idea. Ask and you shall receive. :D LINK
I'm really enjoying the new forums. It's nice to have a place to communicate with gamers and it provides more of a sense of a community than the regular site did imo.
Glad to hear it. That's what we were going for. A place for you to control your own individual PSLS Forums profile. Where you could follow other individuals here, like their posts, and essentially get more interaction. Through posts, making your own posts, reviews, etc. :)
I'm really enjoying the new forums. It's nice to have a place to communicate with gamers and it provides more of a sense of a community than the regular site did imo.

whoa! and here I thought I was the only person from MD!
I just realized something, out of all the posters on the site.........are D'yani and I the ONLY females that have made any comments in the forums?
obviously not the only members, but as far as posting goes.....................
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I would very much like an audio/video forum implemented into these forums. I have a vast knowledge on both subject, and I can provide full descriptive reviews on things, and recommendations for tv's including maintainence

Good suggestions. I like em. We shall see what the future brings.

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