The Last of Us PS4 looks like the cutscenes from PS3


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
From Neil Druckmann:
We brought in all the hi-res models, and then it’s on par with what you saw in the cutscenes. There’s an improved lighting model. After that, we started looking across the board; enemies look a little blurry up close, so that was pretty easy. We ramped those up and saw a pretty significant difference.

Our cinematics are now running at 1080p and 60fps, and that involved rendering them all from scratch. It’s interesting that now [instead of a technical bottleneck], the bottleneck is: Can we fit all this on the disc?
This is why I would have rather looked for a sequel coming to PS4 rather than a remaster. Sure, they said that the PS4 remaster was a way to familiarize themselves with PS4 development, but I think it was an excuse for a cash grab.

Think about it this way: how long does it take to develop a character model? I mean, it took around 8 hours / frame to render the least complex frames in the movie Toy Story 3. If the quality is even remotely comparable in The Last of Us on PS4, then we'll think incredibly optimistically and say it took 1 hour / frame. At 60 frames per second, that's 60 hours for a second in The Last of Us. It potentially took more than someone's workweek to render a second within a scene.

With that having been said: how long did it take to remodel all of those characters and environments for use within the game outside of cutscenes once the PS3 version was being remastered for the PS4?
From Neil Druckmann:

This is why I would have rather looked for a sequel coming to PS4 rather than a remaster. Sure, they said that the PS4 remaster was a way to familiarize themselves with PS4 development, but I think it was an excuse for a cash grab.

Think about it this way: how long does it take to develop a character model? I mean, it took around 8 hours / frame to render the least complex frames in the movie Toy Story 3. If the quality is even remotely comparable in The Last of Us on PS4, then we'll think incredibly optimistically and say it took 1 hour / frame. At 60 frames per second, that's 60 hours for a second in The Last of Us. It potentially took more than someone's workweek to render a second within a scene.

With that having been said: how long did it take to remodel all of those characters and environments for use within the game outside of cutscenes once the PS3 version was being remastered for the PS4?

Exactly what this is. A poor excuse for a cash grab. We could have a sequel on PS4 by now if they had been taking the time to do so instead of porting. And what better way to get PS4 sales even higher than having a sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games ever to exist to be an exclusive for the console?
Weren't the cutscenes rendered using the in-game engine with similar assets? I mean, things like the lighting and textures are better in the cutscenes but it's really not a huge difference anymore like it was in the PS One days (and even then, all of Naughty Dog's cut scenes used to be rendered in-game up until Uncharted.)
Weren't the cutscenes rendered using the in-game engine with similar assets? I mean, things like the lighting and textures are better in the cutscenes but it's really not a huge difference anymore like it was in the PS One days (and even then, all of Naughty Dog's cut scenes used to be rendered in-game up until Uncharted.)
To get AAA games directly ported from PC to PS4, it takes like 2 months, so I would guess that PS3 to PS4 would take a little longer because of software architectural differences. Consider that along with the time it could potentially take to completely re-render the character models from PS3 gameplay versions to PS3 cutscene versions. That doesn't sound incredibly easy.
Idk guys. I sold my TLoU after getting the platinum and I very much regret it. I'd love to have it on PS4. Plus all the DLC??? I'm sold!

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