The craziest online match you've ever participated in


PSLS Level: Bronze
For the first time in my Battlefield "career", I gained a victory in conquest mode, with a score of...


Keep in mind, both teams start with EIGHT HUNDRED TICKETS.

We were ahead initially by about 200... then we were down 200... and with about 3 minutes left we captured all 5 points and hung on with 35 tickets until the last minute... They pushed hard and took back two locations and were capturing a third but the majority conquest hold bonus was draining their tickets too fast. We held 3 out of 5 locations all the way until time ran out.

Everyone was freaking out. It was awesome.

Battlefield 4, by the way. This was yesterday.
I believe I had this exact same experience about two weeks ago. It was the most exciting match I had ever played in a Battlefield title.
soul caliber 5, one of my buddies hates anime girly girls so I made a character that looked just like one and had the same special effects, got yelled at the whole time by her, it was funny as hell and an easy win. distractions work wonders.
One time while playing Killzone 2, a match devolved into zapping each other with the medic pistol. It was a mess and I loved every moment of it
I played the PSN game Risk on PS3 online with a bunch of people who all had mics once. One of the guys had a deep redneck dialect, and he came on the mic announcing, "I'm a racist and a bigot! We're gonna take you down, blue dude!" The blue player attacked my land, and I wiped him out during my next turn. The guy got back on the mic laughing, "You pissed off that red guy, didn't you blue dude? I told you I was a racist, and he did my work for me!"
I played the PSN game Risk on PS3 online with a bunch of people who all had mics once. One of the guys had a deep redneck dialect, and he came on the mic announcing, "I'm a racist and a bigot! We're gonna take you down, blue dude!" The blue player attacked my land, and I wiped him out during my next turn. The guy got back on the mic laughing, "You pissed off that red guy, didn't you blue dude? I told you I was a racist, and he did my work for me!"

huh? you kinda lost me with that story.

::scratches head in confusion::

Risk - it's a PSN game that you can play online, and your armies are represented by colors (red, blue, green, etc.).

I was playing against some redneck guy who announced that he was "a racist and a bigot," as well as a few other people. He declared a war against the blue player because he was racist against blue people. Before the redneck was permitted to take a turn, the blue player decided to strike against me, but he didn't do so well. My turn was next, so I completely wiped out the blue player's territories. I was the red player, so the redneck guy announced his excitement about the red guy basically committing genocide against the blue guy.

But what made it so fun was this guy's commentary throughout the game. I don't play very many games online, but the ones that I normally play are filled with children that call people faggots and say "fuck" a lot. This guy was telling jokes as if he was an actual character in the game.

Risk - it's a PSN game that you can play online, and your armies are represented by colors (red, blue, green, etc.).

I was playing against some redneck guy who announced that he was "a racist and a bigot," as well as a few other people. He declared a war against the blue player because he was racist against blue people. Before the redneck was permitted to take a turn, the blue player decided to strike against me, but he didn't do so well. My turn was next, so I completely wiped out the blue player's territories. I was the red player, so the redneck guy announced his excitement about the red guy basically committing genocide against the blue guy.

But what made it so fun was this guy's commentary throughout the game. I don't play very many games online, but the ones that I normally play are filled with children that call people faggots and say "fuck" a lot. This guy was telling jokes as if he was an actual character in the game.

Ah, intellectual humor at its finest. IE: Role playing. Remember his ID?
I believe I had this exact same experience about two weeks ago. It was the most exciting match I had ever played in a Battlefield title.
Surprisingly, Battlefield matches come down to the last second frequently. I'm not sure why or how, but exciting games like this happened about 1 out of every 20 games. Statistically inconceivable!

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