Thank you PSLS

John j

PSLS Level: Newbie
I know its a bit of a taboo to mention gamer gate in forums right now but I've seen plenty of crap get pulled by other sites (cough ign cough) such as half assing a review. I've followed psls for quite a few years and it makes happy to see that you guys dont seem involved in the ethical issues surrounding gamer gate and such. You guys have been reliable, trustworthy and it sounds strange but like a friend. I don't know if other forum members agree or where they stand on current journalism issues, but I think we can all agree on this; Thank you.
I know its a bit of a taboo to mention gamer gate in forums right now but I've seen plenty of crap get pulled by other sites (cough ign cough) such as half assing a review. I've followed psls for quite a few years and it makes happy to see that you guys dont seem involved in the ethical issues surrounding gamer gate and such. You guys have been reliable, trustworthy and it sounds strange but like a friend. I don't know if other forum members agree or where they stand on current journalism issues, but I think we can all agree on this; Thank you.

If I could like this post twice I would. We are really happy that you feel the way you do and we strive to try and rise above all the crap and just produce good content.
I know its a bit of a taboo to mention gamer gate in forums right now but I've seen plenty of crap get pulled by other sites (cough ign cough) such as half assing a review. I've followed psls for quite a few years and it makes happy to see that you guys dont seem involved in the ethical issues surrounding gamer gate and such. You guys have been reliable, trustworthy and it sounds strange but like a friend. I don't know if other forum members agree or where they stand on current journalism issues, but I think we can all agree on this; Thank you.

There are definitely more of us that agree. PSLS is the only place I go for PlayStation news these days. And whilst I'm not the favorite person on the site, I feel a certain camaraderie with quite a few of the people here and most of the staff. It is a great place filled with great people to enjoy and discuss the greatness of PlayStation.

If I could like this post twice I would. We are really happy that you feel the way you do and we strive to try and rise above all the crap and just produce good content.

I liked it for you. ;)
I can't express how much gratitude I have for the staff for the unbiased and up to date reporting that you guys do. I always find myself enjoying the personal articles you guys write and never scoff at things that are written unlike other sites. I have used this site for years now and even with staff changes the site still feels the same on the reporting side of things. Keep up the great work!
I know its a bit of a taboo to mention gamer gate in forums right now but I've seen plenty of crap get pulled by other sites (cough ign cough) such as half assing a review. I've followed psls for quite a few years and it makes happy to see that you guys dont seem involved in the ethical issues surrounding gamer gate and such. You guys have been reliable, trustworthy and it sounds strange but like a friend. I don't know if other forum members agree or where they stand on current journalism issues, but I think we can all agree on this; Thank you.
Definitely this.

This site has been my go-to place for PlayStation news over the past few years, too. I would recommend checking out this week's Bad Gamers podcast for more about reviews. The writers here stick strictly to the site's Review Policy, and it really shows. @Dan Oravasaari and @Chandler Wood had a nice long discussion about trying to make all of the right decisions when writing a video game review for the site, and it was pretty interesting to see their individual takes on things (like Dan writing on index cards and Chandler demanding game-themed beers).
You are very welcome @John j and @Freakyhijiki . We try our best to produce the type of content we would want to see.

Speaking of which, group hug?

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