Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment releases August 19th/20th with Additional Details


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita

While Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment features Kirito as your default avatar, you actually have the ability to customize both his looks and his name. You’ll begin your adventure in a town on the 76th floor of Aincrad and begin working your way to the top, fighting bosses and clearing dungeons.

It has been confirmed the 'Big Update' that adds 30 hours of content will be available in the West in September.

Cameron Teague's Import Review

Hollow Fragment will be releasing on August 19th in the US and August 20th in the EU.


The game has done well enough in Japan that they have begun planning a sequel

Hollow Fragment english screens:


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Well earlier last year Sony setup a third party relations team to help with ports, localizations, and what not. Perhaps this is the result. I know Borderlands 2 is their first gig at porting a title to the Vita that was highly requested.
Well earlier last year Sony setup a third party relations team to help with ports, localizations, and what not. Perhaps this is the result. I know Borderlands 2 is their first gig at porting a title to the Vita that was highly requested.

Well then this team deserves some major props. I can only hope that this sells well enough for them to continue with the idea of porting more Japanese games to the Vita out West.
Hollow Fragment is getting an update in July that will add 30 hours of content. New areas, items, bosses, and increased level cap will be part of the update.
New Boss from the update:

No official word on if the update will hit the NA version eventually. As its just an update one would expect it to release here. Depending on how late in the summer it hits America the game may ship with the update on the cart, but the cart size restriction may make that unfeasible.
Its very odd press release from NamcoBandai, Hollow Fragment is actually is split into 2 chapters, Infinity Movement and Hollow Fragment. So them trying to sell us on Infinity Movement HD version is odd as it technically was already apart of the game.

Kind of strange, either way I'm really looking forward to it. Hoping to see a release date before the end of the month.
Trailer showing off the new content for the large update thats coming this summer:

The large update will add many things to the game, including new bosses that drop legendary weapons, a new outfit for Philia and Strea, and a flowery in which it is possible to got on dates with the girl of the player's choice. However, ghosts are said to appear in the area, and heroines will give Kirito new requests there. The update will also add volcano and snowy mountain areas, the ability to use Argo as a battle partner, and the ability to buy High Potions at stores within the game.

Direct Link
We need a solid release date, though my import copy should be arriving in the next week or so.
yeah we do. sao is the only digital game ill pay the full $40 for. (still wish we had a physical release tho, but beggers cant be choosers)
yeah we do. sao is the only digital game ill pay the full $40 for. (still wish we had a physical release tho, but beggers cant be choosers)

I think the trend going forward to lower cost of bringing Japanese games over is to make them digital only. It sucks, but if that's what it takes to make sure m ore games come Stateside, then I will deal with it.
yeah. hopefully a few keep doing a gamestop or limited edition physical run like senran kagura.

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