Sword Art Online: Lost Song releases hits the West this Fall

I have Sao lost song english right now and its awesome. The level cap is really high to 1000 so many sword skills. And the graphics are just as good as the videos. Pm me and I can tell u where u can get the English version for vita.
I'm probably gonna just get Lost Song on PS4, since I'll use remote play to play it on Vita.
I'm a sucker and will probably by Hollow Fragment again for PS4 to lol.
I'm probably gonna just get Lost Song on PS4, since I'll use remote play to play it on Vita.
I'm a sucker and will probably by Hollow Fragment again for PS4 to lol.
That's also assuming that lost song is remote play compatible cuz there's a lot of games that arnt. But still in sure the graphics are even better on ps4 lol
There are some titles that aren't Remote Play compatible. But they're very few. I have yet to come across one in my purchases or any of the PS+ title gotten.

I am finally rushing through some of the Hollow Fragment trophies now that Hollow Fragment is releasing on PS4 on the 28th.

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