PS2 emulation?


PSLS Level: Silver
Besides the obvious moral implications, how do you fine ladies and gentlemen feel about PS2 emulation? It's really come a long way in the past few years, PCSX2 (which you can find at ) seems to get better and better with each release. While I understand that it's a very polarizing subject since a few of these games are still in print and are even getting contemporary rereleases, sometimes it's nice to have options (especially considering used online copies of certain games are being sold for prices over $100, and just getting to avoid the general tedium that goes with hooking up an old console to an HDTV because your current console of choice is not backwards compatible).

As with any emulator, there are still a lot of games that are incompatible or just don't run at 100%, other times you have to completely move settings around in order to make certain games playable. There's always hope that the latest version will make more games compatible, supposedly the last update made Ace Combat playable. Anyway, here are a few screens I've taken:
The emulator even allows for "hacks", the most interesting of these are usually found in the form of "widescreen patches" for a lot of games
I dare not even try that stuff since as far as technology goes, I'm not all that handy. I know what I'm doing for simple things, but if you want to get into technical how to fix things, I'm more likely to set it on fire, cause a self destruct, or just make things worse.
I use to enjoy emulating quite a bit. But now I just don't find the practice respectable in the slightest. Not to mention it is technically a federal offense to own roms or isos of games. Yes, even if you own the physical copy, it is still illegal.

I just want emulation to be on the PS4. I know it can handle it and it can acknowledge the discs. Give us some a good sized update and let us play our old games!

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