Platinum THIS!

Marvel is now a Disney venture, but as to that specific license, I'm not sure who would have the rights to make it.
Interesting. Capcom just lost their rights I think. I wonder if Disney would strike a deal with one publisher like they did with Star Wars, or break up all the characters to different publishers, like has been done in the past. The Ultimate Alliance games were great, as were the X-Men Legends games before. I hope we get to see a Marvel game like this again in the future.
Speaking of Marvel, I only have two trophies left on Spider-Man 2. Just grinding out the suit levels, then I need to run through the game on the hardest difficulty. Should take me another night or two.
I rented Wolfenstein last week and got a platinum in about 4 days worth of playing, not playing that much until Saturday where cleaning up took the longest.
Probably one of my faster ones, but just added Wolfenstein: The New Order to my #9 slot.

I highly recommend this game to everyone, it is so much better than i had expected.
Interesting. Capcom just lost their rights I think. I wonder if Disney would strike a deal with one publisher like they did with Star Wars, or break up all the characters to different publishers, like has been done in the past. The Ultimate Alliance games were great, as were the X-Men Legends games before. I hope we get to see a Marvel game like this again in the future.
I doubt they would make a new Ultimate Alliance as currently they have the online-only F2P UA-esque game called Marvel Heroes which was produced by Gazillion Entertainment. It's currently PC only and I've not heard any rumblings about them bringing it to next-gen, but I wouldn't count on it.
#78 - Disney Infinity
Platinum Challenge
Not the best game, but a solid base... and Marvel coming soon!
#79 - Transistor

I absolutely love the gameplay of this game and am now sad that it'll be relegated to my barely played pile. Two playthroughs and lots of stupid/fun/ridiculous challenge rooms. I WANT MORE! :(
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I doubt they would make a new Ultimate Alliance as currently they have the online-only F2P UA-esque game called Marvel Heroes which was produced by Gazillion Entertainment. It's currently PC only and I've not heard any rumblings about them bringing it to next-gen, but I wouldn't count on it.

#79 - Transistor

I absolutely love the gameplay of this game and am now sad that it'll be relegated to my barely played pile. Two playthroughs and lots of stupid/fun/ridiculous challenge rooms. I WANT MORE! :(
Marvel Heroes is pretty good. Would love to see console support. Not sure if that has ever been brought up though.
A bit late to the thread, but my latest is Wolfenstein. Real fun game, took me 4 games.

Im on the PS Now Beta for the PS4, I'm trying out this ridiculous game called Eat Lead.....
A bit late to the thread, but my latest is Wolfenstein. Real fun game, took me 4 games.

Im on the PS Now Beta for the PS4, I'm trying out this ridiculous game called Eat Lead.....
Eat Lead was crazy fun, and a pretty tough plat. Some of the trophy requirements were really difficult to pull off.
Most recent was Borderlands. Told my brother the servers were going down so he wanted to play and platinum it (a 3rd time!) so we did. I only needed the level 50 trophy. I can't believe I grinded all of that for one trophy. Blah.

My plat before Borderlands was Ratchet & Clank HD: Going Commando. That was a bit of a pain. Only a bit.

As for my platinums this year:
  1. Minecraft
  2. Sounds Shapes PS4 (Thanks cross-save!)
  3. Infamous: Second Son
  4. The Amazing Spider-Man
  5. Ratchet & Clank HD: Going Commando
  6. Borderlands
Have not has a platinum since I got 4 in January

Hitman: Absolution
Madden 25
God of War: Ascension
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
#40 - LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

Probably my favorite LEGO game yet, they're really turning these things into a well oiled machine. I'll be looking forward to the LEGO Batman 3 when it comes out.
I need to find a new gamme to platinum i have 9 on my main acct and my others are spread out on my other accts, maybe i'll bring them on to my main acct and get the platinums again
I need to find a new gamme to platinum i have 9 on my main acct and my others are spread out on my other accts, maybe i'll bring them on to my main acct and get the platinums again
This is why I can't run with multiple accounts. I love the look of my 106 plats on one account.
#79 - Transistor

I absolutely love the gameplay of this game and am now sad that it'll be relegated to my barely played pile. Two playthroughs and lots of stupid/fun/ridiculous challenge rooms. I WANT MORE! :(
This thread feels neglected. So I'm giving is some love again.

#80 - The Wolf Among Us (PS3)
Full Moon
I loved this. Hoping they make more.

#81 - Sound Shapes (Vita)
You've Gone Platinum
Auto-pop. It feels cheap, but it's a Plat.

#82 - LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes (PS4)
Have you ever tried Shawarma?
#83 - LEGO The Hobbit (PS4)
The Road Goes Ever On
I've had both of these at 99% for some time, with the only trophy needed for the Plats being the co-op trophy in each. I was waiting on the colored controllers to come out in the US, they still haven't arrived (for another month). Then I got a Vita, used it as my second controller.

#84 - Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate
The Dark Knight
I enjoyed this surprisingly more than I thought. Hadn't heard that great of word on it but decided to pick it up in the sale. It is a very basic Arkham game with similar mechanics and combat. Most of it works well, but there are times when it doesn't.

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