Platinum THIS!

#77 - The Amazing Spider-Man
Does everything a spider can!
Pleasantly surprised with how good this was. Even the story was decent, too bad it's not canon and gets nullified by the second movie.
Yeah the game was awesome. I picked it up a while back when it was on sale. Still working my way through it. Already beat it when it released on 360. Can't wait for the second game.
#77 - The Amazing Spider-Man
Does everything a spider can!
Pleasantly surprised with how good this was. Even the story was decent, too bad it's not canon and gets nullified by the second movie.
Man You're catching up! Moving has wreaked Hell on my ability to play and/or Platinum games. Need to get back into my groove.
Man You're catching up! Moving has wreaked Hell on my ability to play and/or Platinum games. Need to get back into my groove.
Playing everything on PC (and mainly playing MMOs) for the past 3 years killed me. So many games on my backlog that I'm slowly making my way through.
Yeah the game was awesome. I picked it up a while back when it was on sale. Still working my way through it. Already beat it when it released on 360. Can't wait for the second game.
Definitely looking forward to the next game now. I just hope they stick to this style of story and not just do the traditionaly bad retelling of the movie story.
Definitely looking forward to the next game now. I just hope they stick to this style of story and not just do the traditionaly bad retelling of the movie story.
Agreed. I was skeptical of the game originally. It was nice to play a great Spider-Man game. It had been a while. I'm assuming they would stick to the same style of game. It would be foolish not to IMO.
Got Plat on Lone Survivor a couple of days ago, now working on the last damn time trial on Rayman Origins PS3 ( I KNOW I can do it! I already Platted the Vita version!).

EDIT: 24 hours later and I got it! Got home from work, started playing it to test out my new audio set-up (right...sure.... *eyes rolling*) and had it pop within 5 minutes.
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Most recent platinum (#34) was The Amazing Spider-Man which was surprisingly far easier then I thought it'd be. I don't know what's next! Probably Lego Marvel Superheroes but that will be a while because my backlog is like 33 games strong and 9 of them are RPG's. 6 of them are JRPG's! My life is done for.
Recently saw plat #104 with PS All Stars on PS3.

Not sure what I want to work on next... On Vita it seems to be Unit 13, PS3 could be South Park maybe? PS4 would be inFAMOUS Second Son but I am waiting for Paper Trail to be done.
Just finished inFamous: Second Son thanks to our news writer Jason Dunning. I was stuck on the Comet Dropping 3 coughing enemies trophy. Pro Tip: Do it against the drug dealers, they group up easily for this.


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