Platinum THIS!

My last plat was... a while ago. Jak & Daxter HD.

Full list thus far:
- God of War HD
- Borderlands
- The Walking Dead: Season One
- Jak & Daxter HD

Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes and inFamous are likely to be among my next, whenever I get around to finishing them up.

#77 - The Walking Dead (Vita)
#72 - LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
10 Points to Gryffindor
#73 - South Park: The Stick of Truth
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Platinum Trophy

LOVED the game, would have had my Plat yesterday if I didn't screw up and forgot to do a step and had to do a 3rd playthrough. Not that I'm complaining as the game is fun, but the third time you hear jokes in less than a week it loses a little something.
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#73 - South Park: The Stick of Truth
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Platinum Trophy

LOVED the game, would have had my Plat yesterday if I didn't screw up and forgot to do a step and had to do a 3rd playthrough. Not that I'm complaining as the game is fun, but the third time you hear jokes in less than a week it loses a little something.
Really? 3 playthroughs? *sigh* I hate it when you have to do too many playthroughs with strict ordinance.
Really? 3 playthroughs? *sigh* I hate it when you have to do too many playthroughs with strict ordinance.
You can do it in one if you use strategic saves. I didn't. Without using saves, it'll take two. And I wouldn't say it has strict ordinance, I just forgot where the point of no return was for the last section of the game and by the time I had realized it all three of my auto-save slots were past the point.
I didn't think it was too bad, but I'm sure it depends on how good you are at these type of games. Rescuing all the humans in each stage were annoying (only because of the ones that unlocked depending on your multiplier). Beating a level on master and clearing arcade on experienced without a continue were challenging but I did each on my second or third try. I'd have to say the one I thought was the most difficult was getting the 15x multiplier, since you have to accomplish that on one of the higher two difficulty settings.

So I'd say it was a nice challenge. Not super easy, but not too difficult to be really frustrating either. At least in my opinion.
How hard was the platinum overall?

Using a co-op partner for the 1CC Trophy makes it a lot easier. I did it solo but helped someone else get it and they said it wasn't too bad. The 15x multiplier is a little difficult. If you start on veteran and keep the combo going, you'll get it by the beginning of the second world. At least, that's when I got it. I also used Ferox if that helps.
I didn't think it was too bad, but I'm sure it depends on how good you are at these type of games. Rescuing all the humans in each stage were annoying (only because of the ones that unlocked depending on your multiplier). Beating a level on master and clearing arcade on experienced without a continue were challenging but I did each on my second or third try. I'd have to say the one I thought was the most difficult was getting the 15x multiplier, since you have to accomplish that on one of the higher two difficulty settings.

So I'd say it was a nice challenge. Not super easy, but not too difficult to be really frustrating either. At least in my opinion.
Using a co-op partner for the 1CC Trophy makes it a lot easier. I did it solo but helped someone else get it and they said it wasn't too bad. The 15x multiplier is a little difficult. If you start on veteran and keep the combo going, you'll get it by the beginning of the second world. At least, that's when I got it. I also used Ferox if that helps.
I may need to get a good co-op partner when I decide to go for platinum. LOL

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