Looks like my 64gb card has died


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
I awoke this morning to my Vita (which I use as my alarm clock), crashing and being stuck on the black PS logo screen. I've restored the database and rebuilt it. The Vita doesn't register the 59gb of space I should have and it doesn't let me format my memory card.

Unfortunately it's looking like the 64gb is fucked, and I don't have a spare memory card at the moment =/
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Dude, that is harsh, man. I'm sorry to hear that. Hope it works out! Try to talk to Sony customer support. At the very least, they are available.
Ill be calling them tomorrow or Wednesday. Ill probably buying a small memory card to test it myself before than
I honestly would much rather have my Vita break than my memory card. I can justify dropping $200 on a new Vita, but another $80 on memory cards makes me sick a bit lol.

My first 16gb was $60 at Vita's launch, then $110 or so importing the 64gb last year... now my new one. Looks like the memory card I'm buying today I'll be keeping around in case shit like this happens again.
Yep the 64gb is dead. Bought the Vita TV today and tried the 8gb memory card that came with it in the Vita and it worked fine. I tried the 64gb in the PS TV and it didn't work.

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