Freedom Wars or Sword Art Online?


PSLS Level: Bronze
I know Freedom Wars isn't out yet, but I'd love to hear people's opinion on it.

Keep in mind FW is $10 cheaper.
Please keep in mind that I played only a demo of Monster Hunter 3 on 3DS and didn't like it. I also played Soul Sacrifice on Vita and didn't like it either.
Does it matter? They're both good.

Usually it wouldn't, but I'm moving to South America to work with the indigenous people, so Amazon (funnily enough, considering the name) isn't an option, and funds will be limited.

If you just wait until later this month, I will have a review out for the game. We do have an import review though.
Reading now!

I will say I really enjoyed my time with SAO, so you can't go wrong there.

I can't give an impression on Freedom Wars as I haven't played it yet.. but Sword Art Online is awesome. Probably my third favorite title of the year, behind both the Danganronpas.
I can't give an impression on Freedom Wars as I haven't played it yet.. but Sword Art Online is awesome. Probably my third favorite title of the year, behind both the Danganronpas.

Awesome. I think I'll get this after getting Smash. Thanks!

How does this compare to Ys: Memories of Celceta? (if it can be compared at all).
=/ I can't compare... I'm only an hour or so into Ys... got sidetracked back when Danganronpa 1 came out and haven't had the chance to go back and play it.

(I have Persona 4 Golden, but haven't beaten that either)
=/ I can't compare... I'm only an hour or so into Ys... got sidetracked back when Danganronpa 1 came out and haven't had the chance to go back and play it.

(I have Persona 4 Golden, but haven't beaten that either)

Thanks anyway! Any and all input is helpful.
I ended up deciding in favor of SAO. Will report back when I purchase/play.

Thank you all for your input.

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