First Light: Fun Fact


PSLS Level: Bronze
I'm not sure how the rest of you are with physical vs. digital, when it comes to the games you buy, but if you're a sucker for material goods like I am, you might like to know that inFamous: First Light actually did get a physical release -- albeit outside of the US. However, thanks to the PS4 being region-free, this isn't really a problem if you just get the PAL version, so that you can still read everything and whatnot. I think the game goes for around $15 on PSN, right? (Provided you didn't get it for free as a PS+ member, that is.) You can pretty easily import the hard copy via AmazonUK for around $20-25, if you consider the physical product to be worth the extra few bucks. New condition, even, sold by (presumably) a legit retailer, so the profit would still be making its way back to the producers and whatnot, as opposed to a used game sold by Joe Schmoe. Sony/Sucker Punch makes their profit, and you get a hard copy of the game to add to your shelf rather than a digital-only release. That's a win-win if you ask me.

Just thought I'd give a heads-up, in case any like-minded gamers here would be interested. ;)
Thanks for the heads up.
I had no idea, I also am not really interested. Lol.

Second Son was a great game,but not a good inFamous game in my opinion.

I have First Light, but I haven't played it. Is it more of the same or is it an interesting new adventure in that world?
I have First Light, but I haven't played it. Is it more of the same or is it an interesting new adventure in that world?
Not entirely sure, as I haven't played either yet myself (still need to play inFamous 2, lol), but it's centered on a character from Second Son, so I'd assume the latter.
inFamous 2 is an amazing step above inFamous 1 in gameplay and combat.

inFamous 1 is my #1 when it comes to story. So phenomenal.

I'll try out First Light when I can carve out some time for that.
This game is definitely on my radar (and backlog). I may also be interested in picking up the physical copy in the future. Thanks for the heads up!
Is it more of the same or is it an interesting new adventure in that world?
It's actually a little of both. You only have access to half the map and Fetch's powers feel familiar if you've already used neon in Second Son, but the side missions for powering up your character are different as well as the skill tree progression system. They also added challenge/arena modes in which you can actually play as Delsin if you have the Second Son disc inserted (not sure how this works on the physical version of the game).

I'd say the game is 4-10 hours depending on how much you put into it, so I personally wouldn't import it since digital is much cheaper (or free if you took the opportunity to download it with PS+ a few months ago).
Wow, I had no idea!

As a huge inFAMOUS fan, I feel compelled to purchase the hard copy for my collection. I'm on the fence though. Do you wait for a price drop or will it fall out of print first?
Do you wait for a price drop or will it fall out of print first?
This is the struggle I face with nearly every game purchase I want to make. xD And, sadly, since I'm into a lot of niche titles/series, the latter tends to happen far too quickly to even respond with an impulse-buy. I'm not sure about the likelihood of either for this, though, especially since I'm largely unfamiliar with game sales outside of the US. Stuff like this usually seems to hang around the same price range for quite a while.
I thought it was ok, but it had potential to be alot more then what they gave us.

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