Daylight for around $10?

Alright, so it's three weeks later. What's the verdict??
Tentative 6/10. Good cheap scares and anxiety for the first 10 minutes, then you realize that they're all repetitive.

The whole procedural generation part is awesome, though. I keep getting lost when I play. Most live streamers claim that they can finish the game in less than 5 hours if that helps.

For fun factor? It's fun. I'm not going to write a full community review until I get all of the trophies. :D
Heres my review: dont buy it.

Random generation sounds good, but if you die, you have to refind everything for that level, and now theyre in different places! Every room looks the same, nothing is scary.

This is NOT like outlast at all.
Heres my review: dont buy it.

Random generation sounds good, but if you die, you have to refind everything for that level, and now theyre in different places! Every room looks the same, nothing is scary.

This is NOT like outlast at all.
Nope. It's like Slender. Just like Slender.
Edit: Slender with better graphics.

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