Buying Vita soon, Any good games to recommend?


Sorry, but any Indy reference gets a mention from me. Teehee.
Tales from Space Mutant Blobs Attacks is considered one of the best <$10 dollar games on the system.
Guacamelee for your Metroidvania mixed with a fighting game and properly challenging platforming.
Monsters Ultimate HD for what is supposed to be one of the best Tower Defense experiences out there.
Titan Attacks if you like the old shoot enemies at top of screen, you're at the bottom experience.
Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate for something a bit different. It's a puzzle Shmup.

If you want a real challenge get Spelunky. Be warned, 1 wrong step without carrying something and you'll get shot by an arrow into a spider and then knocked into a spike pit and lose your great run. One of the gold standard combos is the Jetpack Shotgun combo which makes you basically able to beat the game fairly quickly.

Then there's like Hell runs where you kill the shopkeepers which ramps up the games urgency and danger a good amount, for pros only. Really crazy game. At first you gotta play it slow otherwise you'll never get out of the mines, and remember always be carrying something. You will never win if you can't defuse traps.

You kinda have to keep learning, and failing, and dying, and memorizing what everything does, and learning what's important for your gameplay style, and be careful not to buy a pair of springs instead of bombs, and then launch yourself into a spike roof. For example the shotgun (when you jump) will kick you up in the air, so you can save a rope by using a shotgun blast properly.

Don't mind getting those if its free on PSN Plus.
Don't mind getting those if its free on PSN Plus.
Pixel Junk Shooter won't go free for plus already did at release.
Tales from Space about a blob same deal.

The other 4 or 5 are likely not to. There's also Super Stardust. I don't know if that went free at any point.

1 more vita game to the collection. :s12:
I'd suggest playing that one before Donganroppa. People say Donganroppa is better in every way and I personally like to build up to greatness than sort of go the other way. I got that game for PS Plus a while back but my Vita Memory card is full.
hmmm. ok.. its like you playing disegea 4, then 3, then 2 then the 1st game. :p

your memory card is less than 32gb ? all your purchases are digitial downloads ?
hmmm. ok.. its like you playing disegea 4, then 3, then 2 then the 1st game. :p

your memory card is less than 32gb ? all your purchases are digitial downloads ?
32GB goes really fast with PS Plus alone.

Then there's cross buy. So 1 GB here, 500MB there. Just Sly Cooper Thieves in Time was 3-4GB and the PS3 game was really cheap.

Then there's PSP games that I got for $5 on sale. Then there's PS1 classics from 1-6 dollars, I could fill up my Vita with just Disgaea 1-4 +1 the spinoff visual novel thing, and my most frequently played games.

Hell I could fill a 64GB with probably JUST cross-buy games.

I probably have 200GB worth of stuff for PSP/PS1/Vita
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Going nuts with those Vita purchases!
All physicals too.

Hope he gets Tearaway. Supposed to be a masterful game. I'm waiting for the phsyical to be cheaper.

Also Sly Cooper is like $10 dollars on Amazon. If you had a PS3 I'd say get that version.
more games to come.. currently still playing ffx.. i missed an al bhed primer at bevelle temple.. have to restart new game because I'm going for the platinum.

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