Buying Vita soon, Any good games to recommend?


PSLS Level: Bronze
Hi all,

New here. Topic as above. Any good games to recommend as I'm buying vita soon. Genre i like is RPG, Action and Adventure. With superb voice acting/ story/cut scene/animation and of course with fun gameplay.

AAA+ titles preferred.
Without a doubt, Persona 4 Golden is a must. Ys: Memories of Celceta is also pretty dam good. Depends on how many games you're planning on buying, but getting those two would be a fantastic start.
Here are some:

Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Action/TPS)
Killzone Mercenary (FPS)
LittleBigPlanet Vita (2D Platformer)
WipeOut 2048 (Racing)
Soul Sacrifice Delta (Action RPG)
Tearaway (3D Platformer)
Toukiden: Age of Demons (Action RPG)
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (Open World Action)
Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD (RPG)
Persona 4 Golden (RPG)
YS: Memories of Celceta (Action RPG)
Muramasa Rebirth (2D Action)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Visual Novel/Adventure)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Visual Novel/Adventure)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (RPG, no English VO & lazy english script)
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited (SRPG)
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My response was so short because I was driving but to detail my thought more.. Persona 4 Golden is THE game you MUST play if you own a Vita. No questions asked, just DO IT
Am I a bad person for owning it yet haven't finished it? Only like 2 hours in. Tooo many games to play!
Am I a bad person for owning it yet haven't finished it? Only like 2 hours in. Tooo many games to play!

The reason I haven't finished playing it is because once I realized how good it was, I left it to play in South America (I'm going for 2 years next month), to carry me over the blues.
P4G is a game I didn't just want to be playing here and there. When I sit down to play it I want to invest most of my gaming attention towards it. Same with Ys Memories of Celceta. I bought them when I was playing Danganronpa and that game sucked me in.
P4G is a game I didn't just want to be playing here and there. When I sit down to play it I want to invest most of my gaming attention towards it. Same with Ys Memories of Celceta. I bought them when I was playing Danganronpa and that game sucked me in.

Trigger Happy Havoc?
Hi all,

New here. Topic as above. Any good games to recommend as I'm buying vita soon. Genre i like is RPG, Action and Adventure. With superb voice acting/ story/cut scene/animation and of course with fun gameplay.

AAA+ titles preferred.
Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, P4G.

I guess Uncharted and others, but when you start saying AAA+ titles preferred, I don't know what you mean, and I don't like where you are headed. Do you want incredibly fun games, or just games with high production values. Because one doesn't always lead to the other.
Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, P4G.

I guess Uncharted and others, but when you start saying AAA+ titles preferred, I don't know what you mean, and I don't like where you are headed. Do you want incredibly fun games, or just games with high production values. Because one doesn't always lead to the other.

Is it too much to ask for both ? :(

just bought 3 games first
Is it too much to ask for both ? :(
If you don't mind missing out on tons of great games because the production level is a bit lower... I guess not.

Some of the most fun I've had recently was playing Sports Friends with a friend and Towerfall Ascension. Games that had 1-4 people developing.

I'm not sure AAA+ means what you think it does. AAA usually means like big budget. Vita games can't be big budget. They have to be Vita ports.

So while you'll get Persona 5 on Vita possibly, you won't be expecting a Grand Theft Auto I dont' think.
If you don't mind missing out on tons of great games because the production level is a bit lower... I guess not.

Some of the most fun I've had recently was playing Sports Friends with a friend and Towerfall Ascension. Games that had 1-4 people developing.

I'm not sure AAA+ means what you think it does. AAA usually means like big budget. Vita games can't be big budget. They have to be Vita ports.

So while you'll get Persona 5 on Vita possibly, you won't be expecting a Grand Theft Auto I dont' think.

what other greats games you recommend ?

I don't mind the production level is abit lower
what other greats games you recommend ?

I don't mind the production level is abit lower

Tales from Space Mutant Blobs Attacks is considered one of the best <$10 dollar games on the system.
Guacamelee for your Metroidvania mixed with a fighting game and properly challenging platforming.
Monsters Ultimate HD for what is supposed to be one of the best Tower Defense experiences out there.
Titan Attacks if you like the old shoot enemies at top of screen, you're at the bottom experience.
Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate for something a bit different. It's a puzzle Shmup.

If you want a real challenge get Spelunky. Be warned, 1 wrong step without carrying something and you'll get shot by an arrow into a spider and then knocked into a spike pit and lose your great run. One of the gold standard combos is the Jetpack Shotgun combo which makes you basically able to beat the game fairly quickly.

Then there's like Hell runs where you kill the shopkeepers which ramps up the games urgency and danger a good amount, for pros only. Really crazy game. At first you gotta play it slow otherwise you'll never get out of the mines, and remember always be carrying something. You will never win if you can't defuse traps.

You kinda have to keep learning, and failing, and dying, and memorizing what everything does, and learning what's important for your gameplay style, and be careful not to buy a pair of springs instead of bombs, and then launch yourself into a spike roof. For example the shotgun (when you jump) will kick you up in the air, so you can save a rope by using a shotgun blast properly.

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