Search results

  1. ward09

    Vita Memory Cards

    I would pay $200 if they found a way to make a 500 GB card... actually I'd probably go for it for 250 GB, because I also like to have all my games in one place. It just so much though. For that price I could pick up a 3DS XL.
  2. ward09

    What is the best indie game ever?

    For me it's Retro City Rampage... but I've yet to play Journey.
  3. ward09

    How do you display/store your game collection and consoles (any cool picks of your collection)?

    I'm Trying to figure out what the brown thing with the lights is behind the sacboy, also trying to guess what the lunch pale is... Im thinking Millennium Falcon?
  4. ward09

    How do you display/store your game collection and consoles (any cool picks of your collection)?

    The picture is kinda dark, but the shelf on the left has several DVD binders for my games and DVDs. There are a few of my BluRays on the shelf too, but I'm moving so most of my BluRays have already been packed. Below the tv is my fat PS3 160 gb, upgraded to 1 tb. My xbox 360 is also...
  5. ward09

    Anime suggestion?

    I li I like science fiction and military/war, so Macros is still my all time fave. But there was also one I really liked about a vampire who had an eye on the palm of his hand - can't remember what it was now. Anyway, it's been a long time since I watched anything, so I'm open.
  6. ward09

    Do you have any rare or collectible games in your collection?

    Well let's just say that the price has increased over the original retail price.
  7. ward09

    Anime suggestion?

    I don't currently have Netflix, but would re-subscribe to watch something. I cancel and re-subscribe often.
  8. ward09

    Anime suggestion?

    I want to get back into anime... any suggestions? I don't have lots of time for a long series, but a short series or movie would be cool.
  9. ward09

    Do you have any rare or collectible games in your collection?

    I don't have anything too valuable, but I do have the Ultimate Sith Edition of The Force Unleashed on PS3, which goes for quite a bit on eBay, and I have Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii. What are the rarest games in your collection?
  10. ward09

    Best video game trailers

    I don't remember that Red Dead trailer, but it's awesome. The Gears trailer is, of course, a classic.
  11. ward09

    Best video game trailers

    I love video game trailers. Some of my favourites include Bioshock Infinite, Splinter Cell, Gears of War, Resistance Fall of Man, and the Force Unleashed. Any recommendations on some some of your favs?
  12. ward09

    How do you display/store your game collection and consoles (any cool picks of your collection)?

    I used to have all my games on display with my DVDs on two big bookshelves. My friends were always impressed with my collection. Now that I'm in a smaller place I have all my games in CD/DVD binders, and the cases are in storage (I have an app that tracks my game collection, so I can flip...
  13. ward09

    What Would MAKE You Purchase An Xbox One?

    I learned my lesson with that Xbox 360 sitting on my shelf that I never play. I have a few good exclusives for it that I'd one day like to play, like Metro 2033 and Alan Wake, but I have so much good to play on my PS3, PS4, and Vita that I'll likely never get to it.
  14. ward09

    Platinum THIS!

    Interesting. Capcom just lost their rights I think. I wonder if Disney would strike a deal with one publisher like they did with Star Wars, or break up all the characters to different publishers, like has been done in the past. The Ultimate Alliance games were great, as were the X-Men Legends...
  15. ward09

    Favorite Game Soundtracks/Composers

    Red Dead Redemption has a great soundtrack.
  16. ward09

    Platinum THIS!

    Do you know who owns the Marvel licence now?
  17. ward09

    HD Remakes on PS4 - Good or Bad?

    I like HD remakes. For example, I think it's great that I can pick up all the Sly games for a current system, rather than having to hunt down PS2 copies on eBay. I mainly pick up HD collections for games I missed. It's very convenient. But a day may come when they remake one of my all time...
  18. ward09

    E3 Excitement

    1. Lots of Vita news: games, accessories, and new features. 2. Star Wars: Battlefront news 3. Red Dead news 4. Some indication on out the future of Bioshock, post Irational (probably too soon for this though)
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