Best video game trailers


PSLS Level: Newbie
I love video game trailers. Some of my favourites include Bioshock Infinite, Splinter Cell, Gears of War, Resistance Fall of Man, and the Force Unleashed. Any recommendations on some some of your favs?

Red Dead Redemption not only was an awesome game, but this trailer sold me on the title.

One of my favorite trailers of all time.
First one off the top of my head would be Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Technically trailers, the "secret endings" for the first two Kingdom Hearts games were great. Goodness, remember how much discussion those things sparked in the communities back then? Can't count the number of times I watched them, and all the brainstorming that went on among friends and other fans of the games... Hell, the one for KH2 Final Mix+ was like a mini-movie, and was marvelous to just watch on its own, nevermind thinking of all the possibilities of what was going on in it.

I'm sure there are more, but I just can't think of them at the moment. Will post more as they come to me.
liked the trailer for FF XV and movie trailer for Metal Gear Rising

Metal Gear Rising Has to be one of the most fun games I've played from last year.
This has got to be one of my favorite trailers to one of my favorite games. The music and visuals just work perfectly with each other

Red Dead Redemption not only was an awesome game, but this trailer sold me on the title.

One of my favorite trailers of all time.

I don't remember that Red Dead trailer, but it's awesome. The Gears trailer is, of course, a classic.
God of War trailers but my favorite is the GOW Ascension Hanging On trailer. It was a trailer with so much meaning and feelings in just 2 minutes.

I love others like Resident Evil trailers, Final Fantasy trailers are always cool, Bioshock Infinite, Dark Souls trailers, etc etc etc. Still my favorite trailer is the one I already mentioned above. I cannot express it enough.


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