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  1. Howl Pendragon

    New Tomb Raider Announced!

    Except it isn't the same. Sony is putting money towards/helping the development of SFV. Remember that time earlier this year when there were talks of Capcom possibly being bought out by Nintendo or MSoft this year? And how they haven't put out any significantly huge (read: expensive) titles...
  2. Howl Pendragon

    Selling PS3 to get PS4: Good Decision or Huge Mistake?

    Ahh yes. The Bit Wars. I think those lasted until the PS1/N64/Saturn came out.
  3. Howl Pendragon

    Vita Memory Cards

    I wouldn't pay more than $50 for one, and that would have to be the 64GB card, which will never happen. I definitely plan on picking up that $20 16GB card on Black Friday.
  4. Howl Pendragon

    PS Vita Screenshot Thread

    Funniest moment in the whole game
  5. Howl Pendragon

    Selling PS3 to get PS4: Good Decision or Huge Mistake?

    Demon's Souls is reason enough for me to keep my PS3. At least until it gets a PS4 port. But there are so many other games I would miss. If Sony could somehow get at least some of our PSN games (like PS1/PS2 classics) to carry over and work on PS4 then that might give some people a good enough...
  6. Howl Pendragon

    New Tomb Raider Announced!

    Ahhh it looks like he only got a limited glimpse of the future :p Good find though, I didn't remember this.
  7. Howl Pendragon

    New Tomb Raider Announced!

    I was really surprised by this, but when I thought about it, I realized I shouldn't have been. This is just the way Microsoft operates. They have historically preferred to use their money instead of their studios (looks at Rare) for exclusive games. Maybe it saves them money, idk. I loved the...
  8. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    I could eat Korean bbq for DAYS. Day draming about bulgogi now *drools*
  9. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Grilled cheese and tomato soup =P
  10. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Taffy apple. Mmmm
  11. Howl Pendragon

    Destiny Beta thread

    I believe that's 4pm-8pm
  12. Howl Pendragon

    Destiny Beta thread

    Just booted it up on my PS3 and BOY does it look like shit :D EDIT: Pretty damn fun so far though. Love the minimalist UI
  13. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Yep! My gf also doesn't eat red meat, but she'd never cook it for me :( And they actually aren't as bad as you'd think @Jacky But like the foreign food, I'd prefer not to know what these monstrosities contain/go through o.e Also, deep dish pepperoni pizza x)
  14. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Yo whatever man Vending machine burgers 4 eva
  15. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Wow, and I was literally just thinking about the Spanish and their cow hearts and cow testicles xP And I actually find cow tongue to be pretty tasty =P
  16. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Oooh, what kind of foreign? :p
  17. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Stole two small BBQ pulled pork sammiches from work. We have a winner. Jacky has eaten all the foods.
  18. Howl Pendragon

    Wii U

    I have a question for anyone who owns a Wii U. Does it always give you problems when attempting to sign in or when trying to open up the Miiverse or eShop? I've only had mine for a week now so it could just be that they have been doing some maintenance lately, but in the past 3 days I've...
  19. Howl Pendragon

    What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

    Figured I'd start this for the hell of it. Post of pictures as well if you'd like to make us extra jealous :P I ate half of my bowl of bibimbap (not the one pictured) And a bag of bulgogi flavored Cheetos :P
  20. Howl Pendragon

    Wii U

    No problem. Yeah same here, the motion control fun wore off quickly when I first played on a Wii. This won't support Wii games either, but there is a Gamecube controller adapter coming later this year. I am definitely getting one along with the new controller :p...
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