New Tomb Raider Announced!

I guess I am in the minority of not seeing this as a big deal. Granted I would much rather Microsoft spend their money on a new IP, but honestly I don't care.
I was really surprised by this, but when I thought about it, I realized I shouldn't have been.
This is just the way Microsoft operates. They have historically preferred to use their money instead of their studios (looks at Rare) for exclusive games.

Maybe it saves them money, idk. I loved the first game, but I can't see this selling any more systems than Titanfall did for them.
There's been at least two different insiders on Neogaf who have said it's only a timed exclusive.
Maybe PS4 will get the Rise of the Tomb Raider: Rising Edition, now with 40% more guns and less platforming.

I'm just going to come right out and be a dick and say that I hope the new Tomb Raider fails so the series can be re-re-rebooted as an action-adventure/platformer instead of a generic third person shooter.
I guess I am in the minority of not seeing this as a big deal. Granted I would much rather Microsoft spend their money on a new IP, but honestly I don't care.

Same here. Especially when it comes down to choosing between rise of tomb raider and uncharted 4, tomb raider might as well not even exist.
"Hey guys! 10 Million PS4's in the world, we originated (console) on PlayStation, and the reboot sold better on PS3 and PS4... Oh and we complained about our sales numbers for the title across all platforms!"

"I want to do something different with this new one..."

"How about launching on Xbox One, screwing over a large dedicated fan base, and guaranteeing that our sales will actually be low enough that we can bitch about sales properly this time?"
Thanks, you took the idea straight from my head.

I am so glad I purchased the Collector's Edition on PS3 and then bought it again for PS4 to show my support of such a great game and franchise. Maybe next they will take away my Final Fantasy games. I've have purchased all of those too.
Metal Gear Solid will be next. :D
I guess I am in the minority of not seeing this as a big deal. Granted I would much rather Microsoft spend their money on a new IP, but honestly I don't care.
This is similar to what happened with Platinum Games and Bayonetta 2. A multiplatform game with okay, but not mind-blowing, numbers was assigned a sequel specifically on a platform where it didn't do so well. The added insult to this is that Tomb Raider started as a PlayStation franchise. Lara Croft was akin to Crash Bandicoot and Sweet Tooth for a long time.

It's not about Microsoft taking exclusivity rights of a game. Strong third party exclusives are a good way to move consoles. Unfortunately, I do not believe that Tomb Raider is strong enough to move Xbox Ones, so it's more like a backhand to PlayStation gamers instead. Most importantly - it's about Microsoft taking exclusivity rights to that game, even after its direct progenitor was a multiplatform title.

This is terrible of me to find, but @Timewarp is a prophet:
Now Tomb Raider *holds out hand* return to me!
Oh that's right I don't have super powers...

Also I too am getting a little concerned about other games. I thought this was over to be honest, every gaming event always made me nervous the way Microsoft got too cosy with Tomb Raider and now it makes me nervous thinking about other games. Should I even bother getting excited? I feel like a need a confirmation from the creators of the game every time a new multiformat game is released.

Is this coming to the Playstation/PC? I mean why should I bother being excited for the next Hitman or the next Sleeping Dogs or the next Far Cry or any game that's released when there's a slight possibility that Microsoft might just buy them out.
I don't think it would survive on the xbox. Most xbox games are shooters and those seem to be what sells the system. Not games like tomb raider. I honestly don't think many xbox gamers would give it a second look, but that's just my opinion.
Why do they have to play their horseshit games then and be all coy about it? Sony straight up says "First on PlayStation" meaning it will be on other platforms later. Why did Micro have to create this big ruckus?

Because they are MS and if they can't have things their way then they have to throw a fit like a child.
Why do they have to play their horseshit games then and be all coy about it? Sony straight up says "First on PlayStation" meaning it will be on other platforms later. Why did Micro have to create this big ruckus?
Because they want to trick as many people as possible into purchasing an Xbox One to play these "exclusive" games before they find out the truth. They have been misrepresenting "exclusives" for the last decade now. As far as SE goes, this is just another item in a VERY long list of stupid things they have done in the past two generations.
Because they want to trick as many people as possible into purchasing an Xbox One to play these "exclusive" games before they find out the truth. They have been misrepresenting "exclusives" for the last decade now. As far as SE goes, this is just another item in a VERY long list of stupid things they have done in the past two generations.
SE is really pissing me off in everything except for remasters these days...
SE is not doing good for years. In terms of games I haven't seen something surprisingly good or anything. I enjoyed half of Tomb Raider because I did not like the MP. Final Fantasy games have not been that great, Hitman Absolution was good but no that great. For years SE has not been anything special for me. I hope that with the new studio idea that they have things will get better. We can only hope because in the end they decide what to give us.
Why do they have to play their horseshit games then and be all coy about it? Sony straight up says "First on PlayStation" meaning it will be on other platforms later. Why did Micro have to create this big ruckus?

Do you know what annoys me about all this? When SE first announced Rise of the Tomb Raider, I had no doubt that it was a day 1 buy for me. I got the first game in the reboot and it was amazing but now? Now I feel like avoiding the title out of spite but at the same time I still want to play the game. It's annoying since if we buy the game then Square Enix will just believe they can do whatever they want and if we don't buy the game then they'll use it as proof that Tomb Raider doesn't sell well on the Playstation ignoring the fact that they pissed off most of the people who wanted to buy the game for the PS4.

Square Enix and Microsoft has trapped us PS4/PC Gamers in a catch 22 and it really pisses me off. Also I bought a PS4 recently, it's awesome.
So has everyone heard the news? Microsoft is now publishing Rise of the Tomb Raider. I'm not sure if I said it here but I was saying back in august that I didn't like how Phil Spencer was comparing the timed deal to Ryse and Dead Rising 3 and it sounded like it'd only be coming to PC and it looks like I was right.

As far as I'm concerned I'm done with Square Enix. I won't support a company that screws with their userbase like this. It's like Chandler said this entire mess has been a power play to Microsoft and I'm through with it, I'm not getting an Xbox One out if principle and I'm not buying another SE game for the same reason. I can see this being another Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

Remember that everyone? We don't get Conviction but here's Blacklist which follows on from Conviction. You ever notice how Xbox fans like to act all tough when they get exclusives and talk about how we Playstation fans are crybabies yet when it's their turn and we try to tell them "See it's happening to you now, wouldn't you rather this didn't happen to either of us?" they then call us hypocrites and start moaning about now having something. I mean it's annoying for all of us, nobody has won anything here.

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