Did Destiny complied with your expectations?

I played the Alpha which didn't do much for me but I also didn't do much or understand the game dynamics either. But I gave it another chance in the Beta, and that was when I got hooked. Its certainly not a perfect game, but it has exceeded my expectations. It does so many things right that its easy to ignore some of the faults. I've put well over 24 hours into the game at this point and I still enjoy playing the game whether its for better gear, events, strikes, mp, whatever. The game is fun to play and that is the main goal.
I'm enjoying the game. After a forced hiatus, I'm back in the fray. I don't know why everyone expects the best game ever for every game to release. Will never happen. Destiny is phenomenal as it is in its current state. And, as was the plan, it will only grow and evolve to become something even greater. This is a long-term investment. Much like the MMOs that Destiny takes cues from. Personally, I found the story to be gratifying. Why? Because I know this is just the first chapter in the novel. What needed to be there is there. No more and no less. We will get more of the story in future content releases and sequels. This is an ongoing endeavor that will only grow better with time.

@MakaiOokami That was me. And no, it still wouldn't work with split-screen in its current state. The number of areas has nothing to do with the efficiency of split-screen.
I'm enjoying the game. After a forced hiatus, I'm back in the fray. I don't know why everyone expects the best game ever for every game to release. Will never happen. Destiny is phenomenal as it is in its current state. And, as was the plan, it will only grow and evolve to become something even greater. This is a long-term investment. Much like the MMOs that Destiny takes cues from. Personally, I found the story to be gratifying. Why? Because I know this is just the first chapter in the novel. What needed to be there is there. No more and no less. We will get more of the story in future content releases and sequels. This is an ongoing endeavor that will only grow better with time.

@MakaiOokami That was me. And no, it still wouldn't work with split-screen in its current state. The number of areas has nothing to do with the efficiency of split-screen.
Regardless, without splitscreen, there's no reason for me to get it, over Borderlands Pre-sequel.
Do you think that Destiny deserved the hype? Do you think that this game is what they sold us or do you feel that you have been lied to? Do you enjoy this game or not? Leave comments so we can all share our experience with Destiny. Remember to talk with facts and be good to others.
I have nothing really against it, but i have to say it wasn't worth the price.
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