Did Destiny complied with your expectations?


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Do you think that Destiny deserved the hype? Do you think that this game is what they sold us or do you feel that you have been lied to? Do you enjoy this game or not? Leave comments so we can all share our experience with Destiny. Remember to talk with facts and be good to others.
This game surpassed my expectations. I am enjoying it very much and I sure hope that this will bring a huge change to the FPS genre.

They have brought single player story and co-op game play right up to par or passed that of MP. ...

For the longest time FPS have become these mainly focused MP attention whores.

Where MP was king and it did not matter if the FPS game came with a 3 to 4 hours SP. Because they seemed to be all tacked on or last minute thoughts.

Now we have a FPS that has it all... SP action, MP, and CO-OP not just some sad little ride the rails co-op or stay in a room and fight the waves co-op but proper team oriented strikes and missions.

With that I see Destiny as a keystone game, Like Mario 64, Golden eye, Halo, or WOW.

A game that sets a new high for the industry. Where others will want to copy so they do not get left behind.

Sure there will always be a place for games like COD that are so just focused on MP but now Destiny gives us the rest of the FPS'ers aspects that others game developers and publishers just left out or forgot that they are important to others.

IF you have not played Destiny you should. and not just a little but a lot. The story does get better the deeper you go and with so many options as well as goals and achievements to complete. That help you open up more and more equipment that will allow you to have a lot of fun discovering and playing.

This is just one of those games that will help change a genre for the better.

The hype backlash is real: but when you build up hype that much NO game could ever live up to.
Not really as the game is limited compared to older FPSs and current FPSs. Seriously 3 player Co Op, 12 max mp, lack of player interaction, no offline, forced grinding, the list goes on. I have been playing this for 2 weeks and of the 14 days I played solo and not because I wanted to it is because there NO match making outside of the Crucible/Random Strikes. Overall this game is by comparison to other FPSs is dull. Unless you are lucky to have a full fireteam of your friends for Story, Patrol, or Crucible it is dull. Also a tip for those who want to make friends easier create a female avatar. It does work as I have seen this happen to few people I know.
I have been using female avatars or characters for some years and the guys always think Im a hot girl or that Im gay.
I have been using female avatars or characters for some years and the guys always think Im a hot girl or that Im gay.

I play what ever I feel looks best. When I played WoW I had male Dranei for Paladin, female Dranei for other classes like Shaman.

Played cat characters on FFXI and FFXIV. FFXI because of a Hunter X Hunter character, one that used puppetry, and I wanted to be a puppetmaster on that game. So I named the character based on that character.

FFXIV I made basically the same character because long hours of playing taught me that a tail can be a calming thing.

Any time I played a female character I got criticized.
I've heard so many mixed things about it.

Heard the campaign was really short.
The respawning enemies is done too annoyingly
No Lobbying except for friend list for coop
PVP is based on gear rather than skill for starting out with

Not sure why I'd want to buy this game over Borderlands Pre-Sequel.
I enjoy the game and have been playing almost daily and lots of hours but the game sure has some issues. Examples: Very very repetitive, its all about the gear when you finish the story, MP is fun and okay but nothing out of this world, not a lot of enemies variety, could have used more complex character customization.
I enjoy the game and have been playing almost daily and lots of hours but the game sure has some issues. Examples: Very very repetitive, its all about the gear when you finish the story, MP is fun and okay but nothing out of this world, not a lot of enemies variety, could have used more complex character customization.
How long was the story? From the sounds of it, it sounds like 2 Borderlands DLCs in length for the full game.
I did not check but it was short. Missions are pretty much the same and I mean story missions, extra missions, strikes and the events. You just go and do the same thing over and over again in 4 different places.
I did not check but it was short. Missions are pretty much the same and I mean story missions, extra missions, strikes and the events. You just go and do the same thing over and over again in 4 different places.
4 different places?

Short repetitive missions?

Glad I didn't buy it, even if it did have splitscreen. Had an argument months ago with someone about how splitscreen isn't there because being on the moon and another place at once would be too much. Yet there's 4 different places. There's no way they couldn't have had splitscreen on the PS4, and my wife would have been pissed if we beat the game in 2-3 sessions together.
Places are Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars. The places are good but the missions are always on the same spots even thought the places ( planet maps) are big and well done. Very repetitive. I dont say its a bad game but its not GOTY for me. Thats just me.
Places are Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars. The places are good but the missions are always on the same spots even thought the places ( planet maps) are big and well done. Very repetitive. I dont say its a bad game but its not GOTY for me. Thats just me.
It's certaintly not worth buying (without cross-buy) for $90 dollars per platform and having to miss out playing with half the people I'd want to play with no matter which one I get. >_>
I have nothing really against it, but i have to say it wasn't worth the price.
Game was short, if you want the story you have to u lock it then read it online because they won't tell you shit in the game. It's way to repetitive, incredibly short, looting isn't really worth the effort as you rarely get anything useful, incredibly limited in leveling up, poor character build (it's not that bad but they could have done far far better), balance issues (saw level 2 enemies taking out level 29 characters), raid was glitchy and still is, bounty's that rarely change, repetitive gameplay, and more. It's fun to amuse yourself with but nothing special and was in my opinion over-hyped
I have nothing really against it, but i have to say it wasn't worth the price.
Game was short, if you want the story you have to u lock it then read it online because they won't tell you shit in the game. It's way to repetitive, incredibly short, looting isn't really worth the effort as you rarely get anything useful, incredibly limited in leveling up, poor character build (it's not that bad but they could have done far far better), balance issues (saw level 2 enemies taking out level 29 characters), raid was glitchy and still is, bounty's that rarely change, repetitive gameplay, and more. It's fun to amuse yourself with but nothing special and was in my opinion over-hyped

Exactly what she said. Thanks @Jacky
They also made the titans way to overpowered even though they were fine in the beta, where they got the idea to make them stronger is beyond me. They made the hunter weak when that character was also perfectly fine the way it was in the beta. The only character that needed work was the warlock, which they did improve on but sadly also made overpowered.
They also made the titans way to overpowered even though they were fine in the beta, where they got the idea to make them stronger is beyond me. They made the hunter weak when that character was also perfectly fine the way it was in the beta. The only character that needed work was the warlock, which they did improve on but sadly also made overpowered.
Which just kinda makes the Hunter underpowered then if the other 2 are overpowered.

I guess they took "People aren't playing this class enough" as "These classes are too weak no one uses them"

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