Platinum THIS!


Tearaway (Vita)
I wanted that game so bad. I was going to buy it when it was like $18 dollars but my Vita was full.
I rented it from Gamefly. I am glad I didn't buy it. The game is fantastic but after you get the platinum there is no reason to replay it. You have done everything there is to do in the game more than once.
I rented it from Gamefly. I am glad I didn't buy it. The game is fantastic but after you get the platinum there is no reason to replay it. You have done everything there is to do in the game more than once.
Too true. I need to swap out my memory card on my Vita, so that my wife can load up her PSN account and finally play it [Tearaway].
My latest is Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Or maybe Resogun. I can't remember. Those stupid tech orbs on Enslaved are killer though.

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