Youtuber or Twitch Streamer?


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
So I wanna ask the people that really know about gaming and using PC for gaming mostly. I wanna ask you if a budget of around 800 dollars more or less is enough to build myself a decent PC for gaming and streaming it on Twitch and all that stuff. The other question is if you think that I can have more future by being part of Twitch with a PC and building a pc gaming community OR can I have more future or fun whatever on Youtube by being a Youtuber for things like PS4, PS3 gaming lets play and that kind of videos OR both those things in due time. What do you think. I am very very interested in joining those kinds of communities but I dont know where or what should I think is best for me and the future.

I am not saying that I am aiming to becoming the next Pewdiepie or any other. I just want to build a community and have fun because I love gaming and yeah I have been having a lot of fun using Twitch on PS4 this last week and it gives like a certain taste to gameplay because you are not alone and people actually talk to you.
You could always do both. At least unless you have an approved YT account so you can stream off of that.

As for a PC, you can easily get a decent gaming rig for around $800. The problem you are going to have is probably a video card over 1GB, as that will take a big portion of your budget. I picked up a DELL X8700 for around 600 with a 3.4 i7-4770, 8gb RAM and a 1 GB video card during the holidays last year. Can't say I recommend DELL after having purchased it, but prebuilt can get you out the door cheaper, if you don't mind upgrading parts over time (PSU, GPU, etc...).
I dont mind upgrading. I found a decent pc for like 600 because for streaming I need at least a i5 and then I can build. I can use more money if needed.
Well, I would say that the best route to go would be to focus on things you can't upgrade. Mainly the MOBO, and even though you can upgrade it, the CPU, as it is more of a pain to swap out and resell is difficult. RAM, GPU, HDD and PSU are stupidly simple, and are easier to resell. Make sure to pay attention to compatibility and speeds of components.

Are you looking to do high-end gaming? Or is this an Indie focus?
Okay my aim is to play the games in a quality equal or just slightly better than console. I dont need to have the 1,500 dollar graphics card. I just want to have a pc for gaming in good acceptable quality like a console or slightly better but the main idea is to play cheaper and the games that are exclusive that I cannot play on PS4 like lets say Titanfall for example or Left 4 Dead 2 ( I know its old but I had a great time with it back in the old days haha) or games like that.

What do you think.?

And I found this video that talks about a gaming pc build that is going to deliver equal or superior quality than consoles of current gen ( PS4 and X1 ).
Well, my best recommendation would be to look at the specs to run Titanfall, or something a bit more intensive like Battlefield 4, The Witcher 2 or Crysis (if that is still relevant) and see what you would need. Then either build or buy something around that level. Remember, minimum specs will just be dated that much quicker.

Another thing to look into is performance, and even overclocking (if you are tech savvy). I prefer Intel over AMD, mainly due to bad experiences with overheating. Which, if you do go AMD (well either way), make sure to pay attention to airflow and cooling of your CPU (ie case design).

Have you ever built a PC/gaming rig?
No I havent build a PC in my life haha. I do have an uncle that is a PC programmer and he has built various PC and he currently has 2 gaming rigs one for him and one for his two sons. They are not dated because he still plays with them a lot of new games and they dont look like low settings so it most be a good one or he upgrades it constantly. I will ask for his help to build it and get the pieces of the PC because he knows how to get them and cheaper ( the good ones) . With his help I dont think it will be a problem. The problem is deciding really what to buy so I can play those games and previous games that I am 100% are good and I have missed them. I still have to check which games are those but yeah PC has millions of games so haha.
Awesome, good thing you have someone who can help you out in person. Building a PC isn't terribly difficult, but it can be confusing at first.
Yeah. I have been watching a lot of videos of how its done. Its not that difficult because everything fits only in one place. You just need to take it slowly and like a baby because those things are so so sensible that you can break them and bang you lose money quick lol.
The most nerve wrecking issue for me is applying the Thermal Paste, need to make sure it displaces the heat evenly.

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