Your Ideas for LEGO Games

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
What do you think would make a great LEGO game? I think they should make some LEGO based versions of other games. The teaser for LEGO The Last of Us was awesome. Maybe even exploring different genres? A LEGO based FPS or RPG could be pretty cool!
LEGO Suikoden! haha but really a huge world like LEGO Final Fantasy would be awesome, with loads of characters and places to visit.
I'm with @Lifewish. LEGO Final Fantasy would be fantastic. Would love to see FF VII or FF VIII in LEGO form.

Another option would be a LEGO Mass Effect or LEGO Grand Theft Auto.
I wouldn't be entirely against more Lego games, but Lego games are seriously redefining the term "shovelware" They just have not been able to improve upon the basic template for their games, and ignore some of the most requested features like online co-op. I makes me believe that they don't really care about evolving they just want your money. Lego Star Wars worked for a reason, but it doesn't mean stick with it for a decade and just put a different polish on it every time.

If Lego is suppose to be the poster child for the toy with endless possibilities than how come the Lego video games are becoming the antithesis of that? I know they have tried different genres here or there, and haven't succeeded much but there is still so much potential. Even just a virtual sandbox would be godsend for not only mild Lego fans, but hardcore Lego engineers. Imagine having every single block, specialty piece, and mini figure, in every color in limitless quantities. It would be the virtual blueprints to creating some of the most complex designs. The LBP of Lego! Building shouldn't be reduced to something that solves a simple puzzle, or only to be destroyed for "studs" it's the very foundation of what Lego's are. The game should reflect that. Instead it focuses on running through linear levels destroying everything in order to advance.

Personally, I like BigPete's idea of a Simworld type game. You get to build your very own Lego city, how cool is that? My Lego city in my kid's room cost 700 dollars to complete. I would love the chance to recreate it in a virtual space for 60 bucks. You could do a physics engine type sandbox game where you just build and break stuff. Like I said the possibilities should, in theory, be endless, so stop with the Lego games, and give us something new. Heck in the world of meta gaming or ARGs why not put that 400 dollar mindstorm robot to use. It can communicate with my phone and I believe tablets now. Back when I had one I built it to feed my fish so when I was away for a few days on a trip I just had to call it. So why can it communicate with my PS4? What lost potential there.

So much wasted potential. It makes me really wonder if they want us to have the ultimate Lego experience, or if they want to make sure you still buy their overpriced kits.
I agree they have a lot of potential lion that they haven't tapped, however the latest Lego games have improved a lot since Lego star wars. The world's are better, voice acting has made a huge difference and the mechanics have take strides forever. This game series comes no where near the definition of shovel ware as defined by Nintendo.
do tell why not.

well cuz too much of a good thing can really kill your enjoyment of it. eventually you'll get tired of the game type and you lose interest. which is why I think should lay off on the lego games, but it's just my opinion.
well cuz too much of a good thing can really kill your enjoyment of it. eventually you'll get tired of the game type and you lose interest. which is why I think should lay off on the lego games, but it's just my opinion.

I think this is a good reason. The reason I love them so much is because they are the only game that my wife not only plays but gets OBSESSED with.. to the point where she is the driving force to getting a platinum on them.
My idea for a Lego game is kinda inspired by Infamous and Megaman.

Open world game, when you beat enemies of an area, you fight their gang leader. Their gang leader once beaten joins your cause as you unite all the Mavericks and persuade them. Basically you can swap any body part off of any of them. Head changes voice used. Front changes stat distrobution. Left Arm, Right Arm (like a sword in 1 hand, and a blaster in the other, or 2 swords or blasters), a back slot for things like wings or underwater jets, legs for special abilities.
My idea for a Lego game is kinda inspired by Infamous and Megaman.

Open world game, when you beat enemies of an area, you fight their gang leader. Their gang leader once beaten joins your cause as you unite all the Mavericks and persuade them. Basically you can swap any body part off of any of them. Head changes voice used. Front changes stat distrobution. Left Arm, Right Arm (like a sword in 1 hand, and a blaster in the other, or 2 swords or blasters), a back slot for things like wings or underwater jets, legs for special abilities.
I'd play it :D
That does sound awesome, any idea what IP it could be based off of? Or just base it in the LEGO world itself?
That does sound awesome, any idea what IP it could be based off of? Or just base it in the LEGO world itself?
Depends on what they wanted to do. They could probably use the Lego Chima Universe and Ninjago if they wanted to cut liscensing and add new characters, but if they added Marvel, DC, and other liscenses that would be cool. The Megaman games didn't do that great of a job of story telling, even though Legends was a bit better but the idea is just sort of based around sort of a spiritual successor to Megaman Legends. It would be great if they could get better writers so that kids and adults could equally enjoy it.

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