Would you like to see a HD Remaster for FFXII?...

Yes, i enjoyed FFXII, in fact i just popped it in my ps2 to realize i sunk in 50 hours and never finished it, and now it looks so ugly.
This was easily the worst FF RPG before the mess that was FFXIII... The story was boring, though the characters weren't terrible.. Combat was OK I guess but overall I would say this isn't worth the time.
This was easily the worst FF RPG before the mess that was FFXIII... The story was boring, though the characters weren't terrible.. Combat was OK I guess but overall I would say this isn't worth the time.
Which is probably why they would end up doing it....
I just don't get it, just redo FFVII already. It's easily gonna make them some damn money. Hell I'd honestly be happy with an updated version with trophies. Not that damn hard, they did it for the Steam version. Oh and while they are at it. I'll take a sequel to FFVIII please. :p
If it's the International version with the new job system, more gambits and new license boards...YES!

I played that action on PS2 and it was marvelous.
If it's the International version with the new job system, more gambits and new license boards...YES!

I played that action on PS2 and it was marvelous.
I never got to finish playing it on my best friend's OG PS3 before I moved 14 hours away. :(
I assume he means 60-gig PS3 phat.

(The one with hardware-based backward compatibility.)

Though, then again, he's talking about FFXII, which was for PS2. But he was replying to a post about FFXII International, which was (is) exclusive to Japan. So maybe his friend had a Japanese 60-gig PS3? Would be kinda rare in NA but maybe I...
I'm gonna stop trying to be a detective here.
I assume he means 60-gig PS3 phat.

(The one with hardware-based backward compatibility.)
Points for detective!

But he was replying to a post about FFXII International, which was (is) exclusive to Japan. So maybe his friend had a Japanese 60-gig PS3?
Oops! I forgot to edit out the International details in my reply. I played the NA version from PS2 on a backward compatible PS3.
I just finished setting up FFXII for PCSX2 and converting my memory card saves over to it, so I can finally play something decent looking.
Final Fantasy XII is a FF version of Star Wars.

Here is just some brief comparisons, there are really a TON more than this. From Neoseeker:

the first character we come across is Vaan, a naive kid who gets involved in the Resistance/Insurgence/Rebellion against the Empire. He lives in the middle of a big-ass desert. Just like a certain Skywalker.

Then Balthier and Fran. Balthier is part Han Solo, part Jack Sparrow. Which would make the lovely Fran Chewbacca - she is the mechanic and co-pilot of the Strahl after all.
Oh yes, the Strahl. Millenium Falcon, anyone?

Next, we go to Bhujerba - the SKY CITY. All that's missing there is Lando Calrissian. Oh, wait. We have him too, in the form of the Marquis. Secretly working with the Empire and everything.

Then, we bust into an Imperial ship to rescue a certain Princess with a fiery temper and an "I'll do it myself" attitude.

Even the look of the game is very Star Wars. The Judges and Imperial troops, in their sinister armour, very much look like high fantasy versions of Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers.
Wow, this topic just made me realize how old FFXII is! I would like to see one done (would prefer FFVII, but they are going to toy with us forever and then botch it when it happens, I feel). I really liked XII, even though the story wasn't very gripping and the characters were lacking, I actually enjoyed it more than X. I would buy an updated one.
Wow, this topic just made me realize how old FFXII is! I would like to see one done (would prefer FFVII, but they are going to toy with us forever and then botch it when it happens, I feel). I really liked XII, even though the story wasn't very gripping and the characters were lacking, I actually enjoyed it more than X. I would buy an updated one.
What did you enjoy about it? Because I actually despised it because of the lack of story and character. Was it the gameplay?
What did you enjoy about it? Because I actually despised it because of the lack of story and character. Was it the gameplay?
FFXII's is a tough story to love because it's not character-driven the way most (all?) other Final Fantasy titles are. The story is about the world, not the characters in it, which is a change. It's not for everyone, that's for sure; but it clicked for me -- well enough, at least.

The gameplay (of the international version "Zodiac Job System," not the regular version) is the biggest contributing factor to making it my favorite Final Fantasy.
What did you enjoy about it? Because I actually despised it because of the lack of story and character. Was it the gameplay?

Yes, the gameplay was a big draw for me, I do miss random encounters but I liked XII's battle system quite a bit (moreso than XIII). Also, how much work went into the world itself, and the history of the world. I also enjoyed how if you killed enough of a certain enemy, it would unlock random world lore or passages to read. Random stuff like that kept my attention (and fighting the marks).
Though I love fleshed out characters and a story, def would have liked more of that but I felt like it was meant to focus more on the world's past and future and current events, and the characters propelled us along events, if that makes sense? Might not, lol. And it sounds like I should get my hands on an International copy.

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