Will You Be Getting The New Vita?

Will You Be Getting The New Vita?

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I voted no... but that was more of a response to the bundle that is releasing in May. Maybe late Fall / early Summer if SCEA is selling a a stand alone version or a bundle with color I'll probably upgrade to the 2000.
I voted no because I don't really have a use for a second Vita at present. My wife doesn't play games with me - she mostly likes The Sims, Pokemon, and single player 3d platformers - I don't have a second or third PSN account, and my Vita is working well.

Maybe I'll buy one for my wife's little sister as a graduation present when she graduates high school this year. She's a gamer, and I'm sure she would love the opportunity to play her favorite game (FFIX) on the go!
I will probably be getting it. My fiancé likes the Vita and has said that if I were to get the new one she would happily take the old one so she can play games she likes (Sly Cooper, Jak And Daxter, etc.) Plus there are several other games I know she would like on the Vita.
I am not going to get the new one because my launch Vita is in near perfect condition. Plus I prefer the screen in the original Vita over the LTD screen in the new model.
I'm on the fence. I would love to get a Vita but don't know if a BL2 bundle is what I want. Right now I'm leaning toward buying it, if only because it's a good deal, I don't have a Vita yet, I need a good handheld (the 3DS doesn't do it for me) and all the PS+ goodies I've stockpiled up over the years.
I'm on the fence. I would love to get a Vita but don't know if a BL2 bundle is what I want. Right now I'm leaning toward buying it, if only because it's a good deal, I don't have a Vita yet, I need a good handheld (the 3DS doesn't do it for me) and all the PS+ goodies I've stockpiled up over the years.
I would definitely say go for it, especially considering you don't even have a Vita yet.
I won't be getting a Vita Lite because I feel like it is a step backwards for the hardware. I have a Galaxy Note 3 and it has a bigger screen, is less than half the width and has a longer battery life. Granted, there is some technical differences between the two (touch pads, d-pads, analogs, etc...) but, I still feel like the Vita is too bulky to be a current-gen portable device, including the 'slim'.
Unfortunately my Vita has been having battery life problems, so I might have to send it in to Sony soon. My biggest concern is that they'll send me a Lite, I would assume that it's not that bad but once you go OLED you never go back.
I'm on the fence. I would love to get a Vita but don't know if a BL2 bundle is what I want. Right now I'm leaning toward buying it, if only because it's a good deal, I don't have a Vita yet, I need a good handheld (the 3DS doesn't do it for me) and all the PS+ goodies I've stockpiled up over the years.
Well hardware wise its not even close, the Vita is the best handheld gaming device out there. No a phone does not come close, nor do its games. Portable =/= Pocketable. Dual Analogs > All
As for those who think 'OLED' is supreme, for those who have actually owned both versions of the PS Vita, I have yet to see someone prefer the OLED model to the LCD.
Not saying you can't enjoy an OLED more, because I love it but it is over blown on the internet from what I've seen.
OLED= better more saturated colors
LCD= more accurate colors
Each have positives and negatives.

As for is the device worth it just for PS+ titles?
Probably, you could probably find the OLED model cheaper some where but it'll probably be used seeing most retailers ran out of stock in preparation of the 2000s release.
If you enjoy indie titles, its easily worth it. If you enjoy japanese games, its easily worth it. If you like SCEE and SCEJ type games its worth.
If you have a PS4 or intend to get one, remote play does work very well. Only issue is some devs are to lazy/don't give a fuck to optimize controls during remote play.

I use my Vita daily, something I can't say about my PS4 or old PS3.
I voted No above, but I'm simply replying 'No' to the BL2 Bundle. I will get the 2000 sometime this year (most likely summer time). I'll see if Sony announces a Minecraft Green Bundle or a Gravity Rush 2 (please release this year) at E3 then I'll wait for those releases. If nothing is announced I'll import a white/lime green or a white/light blue one.

I have no self control apparently. I bought the BL2 on Tuesday. So far I'm loooving the new model. Honestly I prefer the more accurate colors of the LCD.
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I want to get one but I really haven't seen any games that warrant the purchase as I am a picky gamer.
I want to get one but I really haven't seen any games that warrant the purchase as I am a picky gamer.
I just posted this in the topic on upcoming SCEE titles, however its a good reference for people looking for titles on the Vita

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