Why is Freedom Wars cheaper?

I try to go physical when ever I can, so Im only at 40gb for Vita titles. Not counting PS+ games or PSP/PSone game.
I'm way over my 32gb card on digital games, but I just wait until I want to play and then download. It's not too much of a hassle for me.
@GneilEuix I am tremendously glad I ignored most of the reviews for Re:Birth1. I am a mega-advocate for it. I think it's amazing, super fun, great value for money, all in all just a good, fun, complete RPG experience.

That said, I will try to get SAO eventually. It's just that money's a bit tight with a major move I have coming up.

But yeah, Re;Birth1. If I had to buy only one game from this year, it'd probably be Re;Birth1. Is it perfect? Far from it. Is it fun? Hell yeah.

And I love that in video games.
Will get Re;birth1... One day, I will. XD

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