What would you like to see in Fallout 4??


PSLS Level: Bronze
What would you guys like to see in the next Fallout game. What location are you hoping for?
Honestly what else could they do? Maybe more current time period. I think that would make a huge difference.
I might get slammed for this but just once I would like to see a game that is not a buggy mess at launch.
I might get slammed for this but just once I would like to see a game that is not a buggy mess at launch.
I'll agree on this one. Otherwise... Hmmm, perhaps overseas? Fallout UK? Or if we are keeping it in America, Fallout LA? Wondering if they are keeping it within the same timeline and universe or if they are more open to changing it? If they are keeping with the existing Fallout universe, maybe make it like 50 or 100 years later, so that things are a little more built up and different than the desolate society from previous titles? Could be interesting.
I'll agree on this one. Otherwise... Hmmm, perhaps overseas? Fallout UK? Or if we are keeping it in America, Fallout LA? Wondering if they are keeping it within the same timeline and universe or if they are more open to changing it? If they are keeping with the existing Fallout universe, maybe make it like 50 or 100 years later, so that things are a little more built up and different than the desolate society from previous titles? Could be interesting.

I like the idea of revisiting it when things have had a chance to build back up a bit.
a better Karma system and maybe making it so that you don't get weighed down so fast.
also change the navigation system.
I'm a longtime Fallout fan. I think it needs a branching story with legitimately different outcomes. Not just a 5 minute cut scene detailing the decisions you did or did not make.

I wouldn't mess with the time frame. I think you would lose some of charm if the world is not completely dystopian.
I loved fallout 1 and 2 so personally Id like to see Fallout go back to its roots and return to being a turn based RPG instead of being forced to be yet another FPS with RPG elements. I know...it will never happen. Its what the kids like nowadays, but I can dream. :(

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