What Are You Up To?

I actually figured that out now, only I'm entering my senior year and its too late to change and find another passion now! Though this is programming at the academic level, i'm gonna try to make a video game like i always wanted and see if individual projects are more fun and enjoyable. If not, i re-enter school for comp engineering (my school only has general comp sci major) or I do IT, which sounds fun actually.

Thankfully I was able to switch my for last 2 semesters into Technical Management so all of my computer/programming fulfilled my technical requirements and I only needed to take some bullshit 100/200 level business classes my last 2 semesters. It was at that point I realized I actually learned something when i was taking entry level classes with stupid people. I do enjoy looking at code and seeing how it works but as a daily routine it just isn't for me.

BTW I took the I.T. career route which I do enjoy.
Thankfully I was able to switch my for last 2 semesters into Technical Management so all of my computer/programming fulfilled my technical requirements and I only needed to take some bullshit 100/200 level business classes my last 2 semesters. It was at that point I realized I actually learned something when i was taking entry level classes with stupid people. I do enjoy looking at code and seeing how it works but as a daily routine it just isn't for me.

BTW I took the I.T. career route which I do enjoy.

That's good to hear, unfortunately my liberal arts school (I know, what was i thinking?) Doesn't have anything other than general comp sci, but I am working my ass off and learning it, but glad to hear you enjoy I.T. I'm trying to get an internship over the summer for it, just to get some experience with it
That's good to hear, unfortunately my liberal arts school (I know, what was i thinking?) Doesn't have anything other than general comp sci, but I am working my ass off and learning it, but glad to hear you enjoy I.T. I'm trying to get an internship over the summer for it, just to get some experience with it
I highly highly recommend you get an internship. The knowledge you acquire will be well worth it, and it usually puts you ahead of the pack when looking for an actual job later on. Speaking from someone who was an Intern and has also hired them.
I am watching season 3 of Inbetweeners, starting to get sleepy and trying to fight it, haha.
Just finished maxing the levels for all suits on Spider-Man 2, now just to livestream my hard mode playthrough on PSLS Live tomorrow as I go into the homestretch for the plat.

Oh and trying to book plane tickets to get out to E3, damn flights not matching up the way I would like them to.... Ah well, guess we'll have to deal with it.
I'm just finishing up the last bit of homework that I have left for the semester. One more week and I should start to be able to indulge myself in some of the gaming that I haven't had time for!
Drinking a glass of Merlot at the dinner table with the in-laws celebrating Mother's Day.... Ha ha Turbo snail!
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