Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate


Staff member
Has anyone else picked this up? I have been really surprised with just how much I am enjoying the game, even with how simplistic the battle system is. I guess it just goes to show that a simple battle system can be overcome with really unique characters and weapons.
Has anyone else picked this up? I have been really surprised with just how much I am enjoying the game, even with how simplistic the battle system is. I guess it just goes to show that a simple battle system can be overcome with really unique characters and weapons.
That answers my question from another thread!

I have a platinum trophy on Warriors Orochi 3 for PS3. I'm waiting to buy it on PS4, but I'm excited because I heard you could import your save file somehow. While I don't remember anything being distinctly wrong with WO3, I just can't justify spending for the new version yet. Maybe I'll catch it on sale and dive into it soon. Black Friday is just around the corner!
hack and slash are in general incredibly fun and addictive

They are when the characters, weapons, and attacks are all flashy and unique. To me it is so much fun to search through all the characters and find just the perfect combination of three characters to level up.

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