Vita September 2014 NA Preview: Are you ready to Despair?


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita

GameStop Expo 2014: September 10th
Tokyo Game Show 2014: September 18th - 21st

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair [Sept 2]
The follow up to my favorite game of the year, Danganronpa 2 takes the premise of the Ultimate school students and takes them out of the classroom and onto an island. Heavily regarded as better than the first, I can't wait to play this and say Goodbye to Despair!

Don't Starve: Giant Edition (PS4 Cross-Buy) [Sept 2]
Handheld version of the indie game that was free for PS+ in early 2014, this version comes complete with the Reign of Giants Expansion. It will not support cross buy/play, but does support cross buy with the PS4. So to those who redeemed to PS4 version earlier in the year should be good to go once it releases.

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate [Sept 2]
"Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is an enhanced version of the hit action game Warriors Orochi 3, once again combining the much loved heroes of the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series." - IGN

Velocity 2x [Sept 2]
"Weaving together two classic game formats into one seamless experience, Velocity 2X features platforming action alongside the award-winning top-down shoot ‘em-up gameplay." - IGN

Joe Danger [Sept 2]
"You are Joe Danger, the world's most determined stuntman. You live to thrill the crowd and break World Records. Take on your friends or race against your rivals – the reckless Team Nasty. You laugh in the face of danger, and it laughs back, as you bounce from boulder to boulder, on fire, towards that pile of mousetraps. Freeze the game at any point and edit your level however you want it. Once you are finished, share the joy." - IGN

Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!! [Sept 23]
"Lose yourself in the kaleidoscope of color that is Arcana Heart 3: Love Max!!!!! Players will be overwhelmed by copious combo creations, panoramic pics, beautifully detailed backgrounds, and 23 adorable combatants in this fully feminine fighting game." - IGN

Natural Doctrine [Sept 30th]
"Natural Doctrine puts players in a fictional world that revolves around a substance known as Pluton. Adventurers plunder Pluton from dangerous underground caverns, but there are evil and dangerous beasts, monsters, and more standing in between them and their loot. As evil follows these explorers to the surface, it's up to them to protect the city of Feste from destruction." - IGN

Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus [Sept 30th] (Probably a wrong date)
"Shinovi Versus carries on the high energy side-scrolling battles of previous games in the series, but in full 3D with a player-controlled camera and far more intricate set pieces." - IGN

To Be Determined [September]
To craft, or not to craft, that is the question. For such a prominent franchise that continues to sell amazingly well on 360/PS3, not much news really pops up on the Vita version. At last we heard, the PS4 version failed its approval test, and delaying the game, along with the Vita version still being bug fixed. However hopefully this title releases by months end, but it's looking more and more like an October release.

Murasaki Baby
How can creepy be so cute? Don't know, but this game manages it. Here you guide the main character through numerous levels by controller her balloon.

FIFA 15: Legacy Edition
Rinse, repeat: FIFA 13 FIFA 14 FIFA 15 is the best way to play soccer football on the go!

PlayStation Plus: Instant Game Collection Additions
Velocity 2X
"Use the Quarp Drive teleport to outsmart the evil Vokh in race-tuned space combat, then dock your ship, jump out and continue the fight on foot! Velocity 2X is the visually dazzling action packed sequel to Velocity Ultra, featuring amazing puzzle-platforming action alongside award-winning shooter gameplay!" - PS Blog

PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
This Smash Bros. inspired mascot brawler was recieved with mixed opinions. Some were critical of it being too Smash like, while others were disappointed it wasn't Smash-like enough. I enjoyed it, especially being able to jump back and forth between Vita and PS3. The Vita version holds up very well with the PS3 version, unlike other multiplatform titles. While it has some questionable roster choices, it's stilll a game that can be pretty fun to play, especially with friends.

Joe Danger
"Take Joe on a ride from zero to hero in a game that lives up to its big brother with no compromises. Eye-popping super-smooth 60FPS graphics use only the very brightest colours on Vita’s lovely screen, and we’ve revamped the JD control scheme so it plays just as nicely, too, including touch controls for the editor modes!" - PS Blog

"Glowing vectors, explosive particle effects and a pulse-pounding soundtrack are core elements of many modern arcade shooters – a style that Llamasoft defined with its seminal 90s tube shooter. TxK is the spiritual successor to that genre-defining work and brings you 100 levels of engrossing score-chasing gameplay, married to an outstanding soundtrack that will have your head nodding as you blast your way onto the scoreboards." - PS Blog

There is a ton releasing this month that I'm interested in. The follow up to my current favorite of the year in Danganronpa. Vita version of Don't Starve that I really wanted, I was gonna buy it, but Cross-Buy saved me the need! Similarly with Joe Danger, I was going to buy it to support Hello Games & No Man's Sky. PS+ proved its value to me yet again. Plus I'll be plenty busy playing the games I bought in August, Sword Art Online, Disgaea 4, Ratchet & Clank Collection, and Soul Sacrifice Delta.

What will you be playing in September?

(Yay my birthday is on September 8th! The video at the top is the 1st time I've ever used any video editing software. Probably shouldn't have done it as a last second thing)
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Nice video, @Borshay! I can't believe that we're getting Arcana Heart 3 and Senran Kagura in the same month. I might check out TxK and Velocity 2X. Otherwise, this looks like a backlog month for me. :D

Wait, no - scratch that. Murasaki Baby is one of my most anticipated Vita games of the year. I'll definitely be diving into that!
That Senran Kagura date seems questionable to me. But several websites have it listed to release on that date. I actually edited it in (which is why it wasn't in the video).

I hope to have the video cleaned up a bit better for October. I literally used microsoft paint for the ending lol.

I'll still be playing Sword Art Online, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Disgaea 4 in September. Plus the new releases of Danganronpa 2, Velocity 2x, Joe Danger & Don't Starve.
Goodbye Despair? More like Goodbye Freetime
Murasaki Baby and Shinovi Versus seem to be the most interesting titles to me. I don't know the first thing about Senran Kagura but XSeed has been so great about localizing that sort of stuff that I want to get it in support, so that they can continue to bring faithful localizations to the Western market.
I'm kinda in that boat... but I won't be buying some of them until I clear some of the backlog out.
This month is gonna kill me. Goodbye Despair goes right to the front of my line. 2x and Don't Starve are gonna be awesome too. Add in my addiction to Diablo 3 and Destiny getting released, my backlog is looking to increase. Not to mention my growing intrigue towards Natural Doctrine, if not for the punishing gameplay, then at least for the fact that the enemy in Borshay's video at about 2:14 has a sword-schlong.
That Senran Kagura date seems questionable to me. But several websites have it listed to release on that date. I actually edited it in (which is why it wasn't in the video).

I hope to have the video cleaned up a bit better for October. I literally used microsoft paint for the ending lol.

I'll still be playing Sword Art Online, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Disgaea 4 in September. Plus the new releases of Danganronpa 2, Velocity 2x, Joe Danger & Don't Starve.
Goodbye Despair? More like Goodbye Freetime

I have seen Senran Kagura on sites like Amazon with a 10/14/14 date.
Yeah, it's kinda confusing. I'll add a little disclaimer to it. I would think if it was a September release we'd have a date by now.

Natural Doctrine was delayed a week.

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