Vita Games in 2014: The Ultimate List

List has been updated, thanks!

I'm holding out on a retail version. If a game is released didgitally & physically. I'll always go with the retail version barring some great sale.

Cel Damage HD coming tuesday aswell!
List has been updated, thanks!

I'm holding out on a retail version. If a game is released didgitally & physically. I'll always go with the retail version barring some great sale.

Cel Damage HD coming tuesday aswell!
I'm practically the opposite, I want my vita games with me at all times, so I got a 32GB card and never looked back. I actually ran out of space and had to upgrade to 64Gb recently. The only retail vita games I have are AC: Liberation and Danganronpa.

Also, Silent Hill: Origins and Shattered Memories Coming to PSN for Vita. Release date unknown
Saw the Silent Hill thing... waiting to see if its just PSP games finally getting put up. If they turn out to be true Vita ports I'll add them to the list.

I have under 6gb left of my 64 lol. If the Vita managed to be able to hold 500gb of memory I'd probably have went all digital. I like having all my PSP and PSone games available at once, as well as my PSN titles. Just doesn't leave me much room once I start buying the bigger games.

Once I need to start clearing room first things to go will be PS+ titles since I usually don't get around to playing many of them.
Saw the Silent Hill thing... waiting to see if its just PSP games finally getting put up. If they turn out to be true Vita ports I'll add them to the list.
I see, that makes sense, I assumed that they would be vita ports since the PSP games are already on the PSN web store. Although they might not be on the vita's store yet, but I can't verify this right now.
The Silent Hills are not available through the PSVita store front. It does work to transfer them from a PS3 to a Vita though.
Does anyone know anything about when Big Fest is coming out? It looked really interesting. It is still happening?
No updates since it was announced last year that I could find. Hoping it didn't get cancelled. I remember when it was announced, sounded like a really fun concept.
It is a SCE title so when they have news they'll probably update either the US or EU PS Blogs.
No updates since it was announced last year that I could find. Hoping it didn't get cancelled. I remember when it was announced, sounded like a really fun concept.
It is a SCE title so when they have news they'll probably update either the US or EU PS Blogs.
Yeah, nothing on their website or Facebook page since August. I hope this doesn't turn into vapourware.
Found the original EU Blog post. I can see license issues cause it problems. But they are only a team of 10 people who started work less than a year before they announced it. Destiny of Spirits took nearly 5 months to release after its beta ended.

I still have hope, we haven't heard much about Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee but they're still active developers who haven't removed its listing from their website.
If Gamescom comes and goes I'd get concerned lol.
Updated list with SAO and removed today's releases and moved them to the post of all the 2014 games already released.

Today's store update for those interested. Click Here

Ratchet & Clank Collection again listed, this time by Sony themselves. Vita Lounge did an article on it. Starting to look more like a sure thing, will keep it listed as a rumor though until officially announced.

Added a release date to Football Manager Classic 2014. Gave it the Rumor Green since its just a target date. FMC14 will release in May while aiming for the 6th.
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Oh boy, I go to work for a few hours and I come home... and I'm bombarded with games! Let us begin!
Broforce is coming to the PS Vita sometime this Spring!

Axiom Verge is heading to the Vita (in 2015, looks like I'm going to have to start soon on next years list!)
Can add Drifter to the list!
Sports enthusiasts, time to get your rugby on! Rugby 15 announced for the PS Vita. (unlikely stateside)
RocketCat Games to release titles on PS Vita?
To Leave coming to Vita
Z-Run releasing on May 20th

oh that Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment is not alone anymore. SAO Hollow Fragment will contain an HD version of the PSP title Sword Art Online: Infinity Movement!

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