Video Game Tattoos

Do you like video game tattoos?

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John j

PSLS Level: Newbie
Personally I love a good video game tattoo. I'm currently working on designing a Journey sleeve. Anyone have or seen any epic ones? Post them here! (Or the links)
I don't have any game tattoos yet, only anime ones. Though I am working on getting the following one on my sleeve.

I think chandler mentioned once that he had one or something like that. I could never get a tattoo, me and pain don't get along very well.
I think it really depends on the design, but in general most of the video game tattoos I've seen just seem very douchey. Triforce tattoos in particular make me want to punch a baby, but some of the stuff I've seen (like the Colossus sigil) actually look pretty great and are original enough to not scream "LOOK AT ME, I LOVE VIDEO GAMES, I'M SUCH A GEEK xD", which is exactly what I think when I see most people with a Skyrim or 8-bit tattoo
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I've got the American Idiot "Heart Hand Grenade" logo on one forearm, and the phrase "Even Devils May Cry" on the other forearm with the bottom of Nero's symbol forming the "V" in Devils. So I am all for music and game tattoos.
I have a stomach tattoo that was partially inspired by Kingdom Hearts. It's a heart with crossbones with a keyhole in the middle.
If the boss of that job he will go looking for is a true man or woman then he/she will accept this powerful ally. No boss, no president, no country can deny the power of the true gods of gaming aka the most famous characters that cannot die hahaa.
If the boss of that job he will go looking for is a true man or woman then he/she will accept this powerful ally. No boss, no president, no country can deny the power of the true gods of gaming aka the most famous characters that cannot die hahaa.
So, you're saying the next time I show up at a job interview it is OK to show up in my cardboard box?
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