Tomodachi Life

It's like a Mii version of The Sims. This actually might sell well, looks as if there is a lot to it from a casual gaming standpoint.
System seller right there. I can't wait to do what it is you do in that game. I sometimes wish I had a Wii U just to make myself sick with some of the Mii's I've made on my friends console.
Yea, I'm conflicted on this. I mean I have the Sims, but I also like life simulators. I just need to try it I guess. Time to find someone I know who intends on getting it!
I honestly don't think this will be like the sims. You guys know of Bit Strips on facebook? That really tacky application where you can create one panel comics of you and your friends and share them on facebook? That is seriously all this game looks like to me. Like unrelated mini scenarios that are funny, or something. It looks really lame.

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