Thoughts On The Game?


PSLS Level: Silver
So I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on WATCH_DOGS so far? Yes it just launched yesterday, but you still can have an early opinion on the game.

Personally I am enjoying it quite a bit. I like the stealth aspects to the title. Many people seem to be expecting over the top action, but it's nice to see a different approach taken with the new IP.
I'm very much enjoying it. It might not live up to the hype, but it's still a very solid first outing. I'm only in Act 2 and while the story does leave some to be desired I can't make a real judgement on it just yet.

There's a lot that needs worked on, but I think with the core systems in place they can easily improve on it.
As I said on Bad gamers, Watch_Dogs reminds me of the original Assassin's Creed. It has a great deal of potential, but still needs some time to evolve into something better. It isn't bad, but the further along I get, the more I think Daniel B. was spot on with his review.
As I said on Bad gamers, Watch_Dogs reminds me of the original Assassin's Creed. It has a great deal of potential, but still needs some time to evolve into something better. It isn't bad, but the further along I get, the more I think Daniel B. was spot on with his review.
My favorite part is the people that disagree with a less than perfect review score right off the bat with baseless assumptions because they haven't played the game yet, or have only played a small part, but then after playing it, come to agree with what is said... haha.
I'm considering getting it because I'll get 10 percent off, 10 percent off after, 5 percent off after, and a gift card for $5.00

So... I dunno, maybe $40 for the game brand new? But then there's a season pass and I'm thinking wait for the epic hacker super turbo edition 1-2 years from now for $40, or less as I wait for the sequel... hmm..

I'll probably wait.
I know this might shock everyone but.....

I don't really like it so far. Yes I am only 2 missions in but I just don't know, it is kind of boring. The hacking is really cool, the story is ok enough, it just hasn't really hooked me in.

I blame all of this on Sleeping Dogs. I hate open world games and yet because of how good Sleeping Dogs was, I keep buying these other open world games and they fail to really suck me in.
I know this might shock everyone but.....

I don't really like it so far. Yes I am only 2 missions in but I just don't know, it is kind of boring. The hacking is really cool, the story is ok enough, it just hasn't really hooked me in.

I blame all of this on Sleeping Dogs. I hate open world games and yet because of how good Sleeping Dogs was, I keep buying these other open world games and they fail to really suck me in.
Yeah but the main reason you liked Sleeping Dogs is because of it's setting. If it were set in a different culture and location (same story, same characters) you wouldn't like it.
Yeah but the main reason you liked Sleeping Dogs is because of it's setting. If it were set in a different culture and location (same story, same characters) you wouldn't like it.

That is true! What really disappoints me is that I should love this game. I mean, I have seen Hackers over 50 times!!


So I have been playing it for a few days now and I just cant get into it like I thought i would, I wish i knew why but i don't its just not growing on me. I should be addicted to it but... :(:(:confused::confused::(:(
I'm one mission away from finishing the story at the moment but unless something drastic changes, I'd have to give the game 5/5 stars. Interesting story, creative gameplay mechanics, no significant glitches, felt like a badass, and a fun multiplayer mode all leave me deeply satisfied.
I'm only through the first act of the story, but have been doing a lot of the side missions and online missions. I am thoroughly enjoying it so far.
There is a way to disable it via the options I believe. (Just saw your message on my phone :p )

Oh dear lord please help me find it.. nothing more annoying than finding my way to mission and having someone invade me.. i usually just end up going to the bathroom and letting the clock to find them tick down.
I haven't even started it yet.... I had two games for Vita to review, and then my wife got Murdered last night for review, so PS4 is under her control until that's done. I'm just itching to get into it....
I haven't even started it yet.... I had two games for Vita to review, and then my wife got Murdered last night for review, so PS4 is under her control until that's done. I'm just itching to get into it....
It seems as if people like it or don't care for it. I've seen people that pretty much hate the game. I'm kind of in the middle. The game feels a lot like the first Assassin's Creed game. So much potential, and the series should be heavily improved upon in the future.
Has the location been discussed yet? I haven't found anything yet on how closely this resembles Chicago. Anyone hear/read anything?
Has the location been discussed yet? I haven't found anything yet on how closely this resembles Chicago. Anyone hear/read anything?
In my opinion the accuracy is meh. The Loop area and parts of Mad Mile (eg. River North/Streeterville) are close. Both have some real buildings, and a few parts are spot on. But the geographical layout overall is off, mainly because the map would be too elongated then. Can't speak to the Wards/Brandon Docks areas though since I stay away from the South side. Also, nothing like the Pawnee area exists anywhere near Chicago in real life.

I do believe the game's sense of and feel for Chicago represent it fairly well though.

Oh dear lord please help me find it.. nothing more annoying than finding my way to mission and having someone invade me.. i usually just end up going to the bathroom and letting the clock to find them tick down.
The timing is what annoys me. Always seems to be right as you are starting a mission or something and it prevents you. Otherwise I enjoy the online hacks most of the time.
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Although the game is not groundbreaking like I had hopes for, I am thoroughly enjoying the experience so far. I've been doing more side quests than main missions thus far, and it's been a blast! I even am not really annoyed by the multiplayer aspect of it, yet, and that is a big thing for me being someone who is not a huge fan of online multiplayer. I can see potential in the franchise, and hopefully it will become something great in the future.

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