Thoughts on PS4 Name Requests Feature?

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
Who likes the name request feature on PS4? I personally love it! I can Keep track of people based on names and profile pictures better than PSN ID's, especially getting more than 100 friends now.

I do wish there was a way to tag or add your friends to groups, so that you would know where you know them from: ie. PSLS, Trophy Boosting, Work, Real Life Friends, That old failed band I was in, etc.
I really like the feature but would love for them to expand on it more. Why not let me name someone on my list something I want to? For example, my friend's nickname growing up was Chi. Of course that was taken on the PSN, but I would love to rename him on my list as Chi.

Also, what @Chandler Wood said of having more options as far as moving users to different groups or tagging them would really be helpful.
I think it would be neat if there was a "favorites" feature. a little something reserved for the people on your list that you talk to and play with the most. kind of like what chandler mentioned.
I do wish there was a way to tag or add your friends to groups, so that you would know where you know them from: ie. PSLS, Trophy Boosting, Work, Real Life Friends, That old failed band I was in, etc.

This is my biggest wish for the PSN friends list.
When someone doesn't return my name requests, I always wonder why. If I can't know your name, then why am I your friend?
I think it depends really. I personally only accept name requests from people who I know well and have known some time or know IRL. I do like some privacy and I don't think everybody on my friend list needs to know my name. That said, the friends list isn't usually exactly a 'friends' list. It more often than not is used a list of acquaintances.
When someone doesn't return my name requests, I always wonder why. If I can't know your name, then why am I your friend?
This would be the perfect excuse to have the groupings of friends. I don't necessarily care to know the names of people that help with trophy boosting, but I like to know names for people that I interact with fairly regularly.
This would be the perfect excuse to have the groupings of friends. I don't necessarily care to know the names of people that help with trophy boosting, but I like to know names for people that I interact with fairly regularly.
Agreed. Most of the people or staff of PSLS I will get to the point where we are on a name to name basis. People that have added me randomly, not so much.
Personally, I never divulge my real name. As far as anyone is concerned, this is my real name.

However, I like the option for people to be more socially integrated with one another in our medium. So I welcome this feature. I certainly request it of my real life friends. Makes it a bit easier to manage them. However, like me, they have a persona they use everywhere. So I can easily identify them anyway.
I don't mind it I let anyone who wants to know my name see it but I don't have a picture of me on my profile. I've grown attached to the PSN avatars I use.
Yes I agree there. Though it would be nice to have the avatars in not only your download list, but also available on the PS Vita and the PS4. I still don't get why it's not available on those platforms.

Btw welcome to the community. :)
First off, the fact that Facebook is required for ANYthing on ps4 is utterly stupid.
As far as the name request, no one online needs to see my name. If we are close enough, you know it. Plus, i only have the same 6 people on my list that ive had for years. If i boost trophies with you, most likely ill delete you when we're done.
I love the idea of having real names listed for accounts, but having a way of organizing them would be a smart addition. As after a number of people send you invites, it becomes difficult to distinguish people that you know but don't talk to all the time, from just the random invite. This is why I only accept invites from people who let me know that they are a reader of my work, or someone I know personally. Also, I only do real names for those that I speak to on a regular basis or know in the 'really-real-world'.
I love the idea of having real names listed for accounts, but having a way of organizing them would be a smart addition. As after a number of people send you invites, it becomes difficult to distinguish people that you know but don't talk to all the time, from just the random invite. This is why I only accept invites from people who let me know that they are a reader of my work, or someone I know personally. Also, I only do real names for those that I speak to on a regular basis or know in the 'really-real-world'.
I agree about the groups thing. It would definitely be good to be able to make some customizable groups. I'd live to distinguish between the people I know IRL vs PSLS Community vs random people met in multiplayer games. Granted I could deal with it on the PS3, because there was a limit on friends. But since the limit was increased my friends list has as well, pretty much on a daily basis even.
It's not a friends list anymore. Now it's a personal community. Your Knack Community, your Killzone Community, Your Diablo Community, Your Trophy Whores R US community. It's up to 2000 people who can help you in one way or another.
It's not a friends list anymore. Now it's a personal community. Your Knack Community, your Killzone Community, Your Diablo Community, Your Trophy Whores R US community. It's up to 2000 people who can help you in one way or another.
Definitely agree with this. The groups thing would allow for the organization of this. Definitely something that is needed sooner rather than later.

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