The Vita Gaming Days are OVER!


Staff member
If you had any questions about whether Sony would step up their support of the PS Vita, I think these articles below answer all of your questions. Sony no longer views the Vita as a gaming console but as an accessory for the PS4.


And for those people who think, "well, at least 3rd parties can make awesome games or big games for it"... think about this. If you are a 3rd party group and you see Sony dropping basically all support for the handheld and not even viewing it as a legitimate gaming platform, why would you then develop big experiences for it?

I am just so mad right now, it really isn't even funny. I don't get why Sony is using the Square Enix logic towards video games..


It will piss me off a bit if Gravity Rush 2 is officially unveiled and its not a Vita exclusive.
It's like a steaming pile of sadness. I guess I have my indie machine now. I'll save my PS4 for the big games, and play indie cross buy stuff on my Vita.
It's like a steaming pile of sadness. I guess I have my indie machine now. I'll save my PS4 for the big games, and play indie cross buy stuff on my Vita.

That works if you like indie games. For me, indie games are boring and lose my interest so quickly..
well you never know what's gonna happen. there's not much, even in 2015, but don't cut the vita out yet, cause if we do get pso2, and lemme tell ya, sega will realize the error of teir ways. give sega time. worst case scenario, port it to 3ds is wat id do. granted, ninty doesn't design their handhelds like vita, but as ogi said in ps0, who gives a hoot.least we get it
I wish Sony could at least bring all PS1 and PSP games to the Vita store that are already available to everyone else.
I wish Sony could at least bring all PS1 and PSP games to the Vita store that are already available to everyone else.
I just watched the old G4TV Icon episode about Naughty Dog. Now I really want to play Crash 2 & 3 on the Vita =/
They should just put games under 3gb only on vita,how great would resogun have been as a vita exclusive. The worse part is that even vita exclusives get an hd port to ps3 like assassins creed and batman.
They should just put games under 3gb only on vita,how great would resogun have been as a vita exclusive. The worse part is that even vita exclusives get an hd port to ps3 like assassins creed and batman.

I don't think losing AC Liberation was that bad, it took them 14 months to get it on a different platform. Batman isn't an exclusive as its also on the 3DS.

I'm actually a little surprised SCE hasn't started porting some of their Vita titles to the PS3. They brought a few of their PSP titles to the PS2 back then.
It is sad to hear, but after Borderlands 2 I realize actually prefer the smaller indie games. For my play style I don't need big lengthy games on the go. The smaller games work great. I put plenty of time inti my vita every week, even without the big titles.

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